35: Experienced

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Keith watched Lance who looked exhausted. He looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open longer than a few seconds.

And yet he was still fighting it.

Hunk had encouraged them to be more friendly with him, less scary and stern. But Keith didn't know how to be anything less than he was.

So all he could do was keep an eye on the newest paladin from a distance.

Lance then shook his head placing his elbows on his knees as his hands braced the side of his face. "Awake." He mumbled with a frown. "Stay awake."

The struggle continued for a few minutes before Lance was on his feet heading out of the room.

After the had rescued the Balmera Allura had them focus on their training and their team bonding, and yes they were all tired, but until they worked as a solid team, with Allura's desired, perfectionism that weren't going to get much time to relax.

So Keith could understand Lance's might be tired but exhausted?

So he followed Lance mostly because he was concerned. He had been fine a few hours ago when the finished training so why was he suddenly so exhausted.

"Paladins, we're heading to a space mall, please come to the control room."

Keith heard Lance's heavy groan before he was shaking his head again.

Keith decided now was the time to approach.

"Hey, you coming?" Keith asked gesturing in the direction of the control room.

Like a switch Lance was suddenly jumping back eyes wide and awake. "I um... Yes." He said quickly.

Keith nodded. Setting the pace as they headed there. As they walked he sent a few glances to Lance who was no longer struggling, he looked more tense and anxious then anything.

After spending years training with Hunk, Keith felt he could recognise the emotion and the look, but he wasn't overly confident in his ability to assist and support.

He was better and the fighting away the fears part.

That and he hardly knew Lance. They knew he had a family, a big family. And that he had been taken from them, but that was all that they knew.

They didn't know how, or why or even if Lance had wanted to leave or if he hadn't been given the choice.

And that made working with him difficult. He was more resistant to the mind melding headbands than any alien they had ever met before. It was a curious thing.

When they did training sessions Keith sometimes caught glimpses of his emotions, felt his fear and sadness but then he would block it all out and he just felt numb.

"Are you okay?" Keith asked on impulse, Shiro always started conversations with him like this on a bad day.

Lance's shoulders slumped head dropping too. "How do you guys do it? My head hurts, everything aches and the idea of shopping honestly doesn't sound appealing which is crazy because I love shopping."

Keith shrugged. "I've been doing this for a long time."

"Yeah and it shows." Lance sighed rubbing his face.


"Nothing." Lance mumbled shaking his head. "Let's get there before Allura has a go at me."

"At us you mean."

"No." Lance mumbled walking faster.

"There you are." Allura smiled as they entered the control room. "We're almost there."

"Why are we going shopping?" Lance asked curiously.

"Because I thought it would be a good chance for some team bonding." Allura smiled. "I will stay here to monitor the castle while the rest of you go and get to know one another."

Lance frowned. So this was her plan.

"Don't look so excited Keith and Lance." Pidge teased making Lance shoot a look at Keith who was scowling at the floor his arms crossed tightly.

"I hate shopping." Keith explained meeting Allura's gaze. "I'd prefer to stay here."

"No, they will need your help bringing supplies back." Allura said shaking her head. "View this as a mission Keith, keep the team safe."

Keith sighed heavily. "Fine."

"Do you not know how to relax?" Lance asked tentatively as he raised an eyebrow.

Keith's shoulders raised higher.

"Alright, is there anything anyone needs specifically?" Hunk asked. "I'm making a list."

"Well, we need new teledove parts and we need some new Balmera crystal cases." Coran explained.

"I could do with some new fabrics, I want to make some better outfits." Allura admitted. "Most of my dresses are not fit to wear since it's been 10,000 years."

"I need some new necto-plasm cables." Pidge added.

"You mentioned new parts for my arm and Lance's leg." Shiro said quietly.

Hunk nodded typing them out on the tablet that he was holding.

"I could do with a new pair of boots." Keith mumbled. "And my jacket needs mending."

"You and that jacket." Shiro chuckled.

Lance looked up at him he seemed so tense all of a sudden as he shot Shiro a glare.

"I could..." Lance paused cutting himself off. He now had everyone's attention, great.

"Lance?" Hunk asked trying to encourage him.

Lance sighed. "I can mend it if you need, I used to fix my own stuff all the time."

"That's amazing Lance." Allura said with a smile. "Perhaps you'll be able to help me too."

Lance gave a faint nod. Perfect. He landed himself in that one huh.

"Lance do you require anything?" Coran asked curiously.

Lance frowned. "No, I'm good."

"Alright, let's get out of our armour, we don't want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves." Shiro decided.

Lance sighed, that was probably a good idea.

He turned to see Keith still watching him. He sent him a blank look before he headed off to go and get changed.

Getting his armour off took more effort then he wanted to right now. He just wanted to sleep.

When he finally got to the hangar the others were all ready to go.

Coran seemed most excited and Lance didn't think he had the energy to keep up with the Altean.

But he managed to shotgun his seat next to Coran anyway, knowing that the older man would fill the silence for him and he could just relax for a while.

He wondered what the shopping mall might be like, he had avoided it for many reasons but he wasn't scared of going.

He was excited but tired and that just made him appear irritated.

"Don't go too far, stay with a buddy." Shiro instructed before he turned to Keith. "You coming with me?"

Keith nodded.

Hunk and Pidge had already paired up and Coran was already walking.

With a sigh Lance shoved his hands into his pockets and headed off after the Altean.

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