40: Knowledge

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"So how do we take it down?" Lance asked as he piloted blue around the cube, it fired another blast at him, with the power that he had attacked it with.

It missed by a long shot but it was getting closer.

"Stop hitting it." Pidge hissed.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Keith growled. "We can't let this thing leave here, if Zarkon gets ahold of this then the war is over. He's won."

"Someone think of something." Lance said sharply only just dodging the next shot.

"I got it!" Hunk exclaimed excitedly.

"Let us hear it Hunk."

"It's vunerable to organic attacks." Hunk explained. "Think about it, the energy the Olkarians put in wasn't sent back out, it absorbed it."

"Of course, all we need it-"

"Pidge!" The boys all shouted as the green lion was blasted backwards.

Lance turned his attention towards the Galran fleet ship, it hovered there watching as it's ion cannon shut down.

It had fed the cube to attack Pidge.

Lance growled to himself and launched his lion towards the ship.

His lion growled and he felt the link he had with her strengthen as they worked to protect the others.

He would cover the six while they focused on getting back up.

He could do that.


Pidge groaned as she slowly lifted her head.

She hadn't expected that attack.

"Green?" She asked reaching for the controls. "Hey? Wake up."


Pidge managed to get out of her lion and stumbled forwards to see the cube floating above her.

Hunk was right, any show of force would only power it's attacks, they had to try it from another angle.

Something brushed against her leg. A plant growing at her feet extended up reaching for the sky.

"Your bond with nature is strong." Ryner informed as she walked towards her.

"I don't know about that." Pidge frowned. "I'm better off with tech."

"Are you alright?" Ryner asked as she brushed her hand against Pidge's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm alright but Green is-" she glanced back at her still dormant lion. "Yeah things aren't great right now."

"You claim to prefer tech, why?" Ryner asked tilting her head.

"I understand it, I can predict it and control it. Plants and nature aren't predictable."

Ryner smiled. "But you are part Olkarian, you can control it and you can predict it's movements."

"I don't understand." Pidge admitted tilting her head.

"When the Green lion was under construction," Ryner began as she led Pidge back towards her lion, "king Alfor came to Olkarion to ask for our ancestors help."

"He never said." Pidge frowned.

"Each of the lions are unique. Like you and the other paladins." Ryner explained as she pressed Pidge's hand against Green's nose. "Reach within and find it."

Pidge frowned but closed her eyes tapping into the bond she had with Green and using her Olkarian powers she reached deeper.

She searched until she found it.

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