17: Hope

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Lance didn't know if he was enjoying this.

The castle was packed.

There were Arusians everywhere, they were curious about everything asking a million and one questions which Lance honestly couldn't answer.

There was strange whirring sound which made Lance jump, he turned Bayard raised as it changed into a blaster.

He found himself again looking at Pidge's Rover.

Pidge was watching him with big scared eyes as if she might cry if he pulled the trigger. Hunk and Keith both looked slightly surprised behind her too.

He scowled at it before his Bayard disappeared. "Not getting used to that."

"You okay Lance? You look a little on edge." Hunk said gently.

"Yeah, I... I'm just not used to this." He admitted gesturing around. "If someone starts a fight I'll feel more at home."

Pidge rolled her eyes. "You're so weird."

"Not my fault I grew up in rough areas." Lance replied quietly. "Oh and Hunk I tried some of these thingies, they're really good."

Hunk grinned brightly looking excited.

"Hey! You don't light up like that when we compliment your food." Pidge said hitting Hunk's chest.

"Yeah but I know you guys." Hunk replied. "And I'm sure Lance wouldn't lie to me."

Lance offered a small smile.

"I thought you said you liked parties." Keith frowned looking perplexed.

"I never said I liked them, I'm just used to noise and people." Lance admitted. "Although I'm not used to all of the questions and praise."

"You get used to it after a while." Keith said shaking his head.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it." Lance mumbled. "I'm not sure if this is going to work out me being a paladin."

"I know that it's going to be hard for you." Hunk explained with a frown placing his hand on Lance's shoulder. "You've just stepped up into this role and we're sure you can do it."

"Really?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow. "I can't do half the stuff you guys can do."

"We'll get you there." Keith assured.

"You've got to remember Lance that we signed up for this." Pidge reminded gently. "It's part of our lives."

"Yeah, but I bet you never signed up for a 10,000 year nap." Lance said shaking his head. "I don't want to leave everyone else behind... That wasn't... I didn't... I'm sorry."

Turning away from their group Lance headed up the grand staircase aware that he had eyes on him. He didn't care.

He had managed 20 minutes of the party, wasn't that good enough for them?


"What are you doing in here Lance?"

Lance turned to find Coran walking towards him.

"I got a bit overwhelmed." Lance admitted softly. "And I think I offended the others."

"I highly doubt that." Coran said gently. "Why did you come here?"

Lance sighed. "Have you ever seen earth before?"

"No I haven't." Coran admitted. "Let's see if I can find it on the map."

The large hologram opened brightly before them. Lance glanced around at all of the stars, the planets and the moon's, it was beautiful.

"Ah here we are." Coran smiled tapping it.

"Are the galra there?" Lance asked curiously.

"Not as far as I can tell, but we haven't had a distress call from them either." Coran explained glancing back to him. "They probably haven't heard of us yet."

Lance nodded. "Do you really think we can stop them?"

"I have hope." Coran admitted turning the hologram off.

"I don't think anyone believes in hope anymore." Lance replied softly. "Not really."

"But hope, it can grow from nothing." Coran said with a warm smile. "You gave us hope, Lance you gave the universe hope by waking the paladins. Never doubt the power of hope."

"But how am I ment to help? I don't understand it, I can't keep up." Lance expressed distressed.

"It's not about keeping up, you don't need to be as good as the others, find what you're good at and stick to it." Coran encouraged squeezing his shoulder, it was a form of comfort that made some of Lance's fears melt, at least he had Coran. "And I get it, I know it's not easy. None of the others found it easy, I remember Alfor nearly constantly pulling his hair out over their antics."

Lance found himself chuckling at that. He couldn't imagine Shiro or Keith, Pidge or Hunk struggling with their training. Not how they breezed through it just now.

He guessed it made sense. Everyone has to start from somewhere.

"It took them time, it will take you time." Coran continued. "So please, don't let it get you down my boy, let us enjoy this party that you have ."

Lance nodded. "Alright." He nodded following Coran as he made his way to the door.

Lance glanced up as something moved in his peripheral vision it was Pidge's rover alright, but it seemed odd.

It was flashing.

"Hey Coran, is that..."

Lance's eyes widened as he realised what was happening, the flashing intensified as Lance activated his jetpack.


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