70: Leaders

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"I just can't believe he's gone." Hunk whispered.

Keith nodded silently as he glanced around the room.

Pidge had pulled her knees up to her chest with a heavy frown on her face.

Hunk had dropped his head into his hands and Allura and Coran looked equally as stressed and hurt as Keith felt.

Lance was sat on the back of the sofa elbows resting on his knees. "I'm sorry we weren't there for you Keith."

Keith shook his head slowly. "It's not like you had a choice."

"Still." Lance frowned.

"So what now?" Pidge asked quietly. "I mean, Shiro was the leader, he... We've never been without him, maybe we haven't tried something, haven't looked into something enough?"

"If the black lion let Keith pilot her then maybe..." Hunk looked down at his hands. "Maybe he really is gone."

"We can't change the past." Lance reminded softly. "But we can do things now, to keep working for what Shiro believed in, until we find him."

"He believed in this team." Coran said as he sat next to Lance placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Pidge nodded sitting up. "He always did."

"And he would want us to keep going." Allura added.

"Fight to stop this from happening again." Hunk agreed.

Lance offered a weak smile. "So what do you say Keith? Shall we go avenge Shiro?"

Keith rose to his feet meeting Lance's gaze. "Yeah, let's do this."


"So Keith, you're in charge." Pidge nodded patting his back. "How do you want to do this?"

"I'm gonna need a red paladin." Keith said glancing to Allura.

"I will make a bond with the red lion." Allura explained placing her hand on Keith's shoulder. "That way we won't be a paladin down."

Lance's frown deepened.

"What's on your mind Lance?" Hunk asked tilting placing his hand on his shoulder.

"You can change lions?" He asked tilting his head.

"Yes, these paladins took over from the paladins of old." Coran explained. "So it isn't unheard of."

Lance shrugged. "But it feels wrong."

"What does?" Keith whispered. "Me being the black paladin?"

"No." Lance said immediately shaking his head. "No, it just... I've only just sort of gotten used to the whole thing and now it's changing again."

Hunk nodded. "We'll get you settled again, I promise."

"Thank you."


"This is ridiculous!" Allura cried out frustratedly as she stormed away from the red lion. "The red lion will not listen!"

Keith sighed heavily. "Red is a wild spirit, you can't just force her to listen."

"I don't think you can do that with any lion." Lance added.

"I know, but the fate of the universe is hanging in the balance and she is being stubborn."

"Really?" Pidge asked raising an eyebrow.

"I meant-"

"You've been hanging out too long with Lotor." Pidge smirked. "But hey I mean what if the red lion prefers a more relaxed way of communication."

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