47: Echos

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The echoing bang made everyone flinch.

Shiro stared wide eyed as the Galran holding Lance tumbled backwards drawing his sword from where he had pushed it into Lance.

Lance didn't move at first. He just stood there as blood rolled down his side.

"Ow." He mumbled softly, almost detached in a way as he looked down at the wound.

Hunk then spun around batting several of the Galran's away with a single blow of his fist.

He was mad.

Shiro went to move when a Galran sentry caught his shoulder. He went to punch it when a blast sent it flying back.

His gaze returned to Lance who was kneeling on the floor gripping his side as he shot down any Galran's who got too close.

"Pidge, Keith! Get Lance out of here!" Shiro ordered blocking two shots with his arm.

"Moving." Lance gasped over the coms and Shiro watched in almost horror as Lance pushed himself to his feet. He staggered about 3 steps until Keith met him halfway taking his arm looping it over his shoulder.

"If you want the Blades to live on you have to leave here." Hunk advised catching Kolivans arm. "We can get you away and then you can find a new base."

"That is a sensible suggestion." Kolivan nodded. "We will regroup."

Shiro nodded helping the Blades to fall back towards the lions.

"How's Lance?" He asked the second they were onboard.

Keith was hovering over Lance who was staring at the far wall, his side had been strapped, most likely by Keith, but there was still too much blood. "Not good."

"I'm fine." Lance snapped, shaking as he blinked harshly.

"No you're not." Pidge said gripping his arm.

Shiro could see how pale Lance was, and every breath seemed more laboured and painful.

"We're going to get you to a pod okay." Shiro promised taking hold of Lance's free hand.

Lance instantly latched onto it, his grip impressive.

With someone watching over Lance, Keith jumped to the controls and piloted them away.

The yellow and Blue lions following close behind.

Kolivan activated a self destruct sequence and they watched as the Blades base imploded and vanished.


When the pod opened Lance staggered out only for his body to pitch to the side.

He felt so light headed and exhausted.

"Lance." Someone said catching his arm and slowly lowering him to the floor. "Hey, talk to me."

Lance lolled his head to the side closing his eyes as he focused on his breathing.

Why did everything hurt so much?

"Let me-"

"He's in pain still."

"Why didn't the pod help?"

"What can we do?"

"Shut up." Lance grumbled flapping the arms reaching for him away.

He was warm and comfortable and he just wanted to breathe and be fine.

Why were they all talking so much?

"What does shuzzzup mean?" Pidge asked sounding confused. "Is that an earth word? Lance?"

"M'means shush." Lance mumbled as he opened his eyes slightly.

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