73: Starlight

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Lance clipped his gauntlet back into place before glancing around at the guards.

He had to get his timing correct otherwise this would all be over.

"Is removing your armour a wise course of action?" A Puigian asked as he held up Lance's chest plate.

"Yes." Lance nodded. "Listen can you hear the engines?"


"Exactly." Lance said crossing his arms. "Usually with a slave pick up they're quick off the mark. They're delaying this, why? Because they're waiting for the other paladins."

"And your point?"

"If I don't do something they're going to try and trap the others." Lance shrugged. "Good thing I know what I'm doing huh?"

"I don't think you know what you're doing."

Lance smirked. "Watch and learn." He patted one of the kids heads as he moved around the room.

He had to watch the guards and get their pattern. He had to understand when would be the best moment to make his move.

He just hoped the others were okay.


Pidge smirked slightly before using her Bayard to shock the two Galran's in the control room. "Okay, I'm in. Go Keith."

Keith nodded to her and turned back to the wolf who had decided to join their team. Placing his hand on its head they were teleported back to the others.

"Pidge is in, she's going to divert their troops to the other side and we're going in." Keith informed as he readied his Bayard. "Once we're inside we'll split up, Kolivan and Lotor will take the main attack, take down the Galran's, Hunk, you Zethrid and Antok get to the armoury and seal it off. Allura you're with me. We're going to find Lance."

"Alert sent, let's see if this works." Pidge sounded far too amused by this plan and now Keith was sure that something was going to go wrong.

What did Lance call it?


Something like that.

Keith shook that thought away. "Let's do this." Keith decided.

Getting in was easy, especially with this kind of wolf on their side. They hadn't even been detected at this point.

Pidge had eyes on most things, she said that there was nothing on the slave ship, she couldn't hack into it.

Hunk was in the armoury with Zethrid and Antok ready to stop any Galran's coming to armour up or upgrade their weapons.

At the end of the mission that would be the first place they would destroy.

Kolivan, Lotor and Keith headed towards the ship. The idea was to teleport inside but the wolf couldn't seem to do that.

"Something must be blocking it's powers." Keith noted as the wolf whimpered.

"Haggar?" Coran asked over the coms.

"I doubt it." Lotor frowned. "She would have turned up at the other side of the city if that was the case."

"One of their people then?" Kolivan grumbled.

"Perhaps." Keith sighed. "This isn't going to be easy."

"Do you want us to split up?" Allura asked.

Keith eyes the city once again, dividing their team up even more would put a strain on their effectiveness.

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