18: Smoke and Crystals

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"What are you saying Pidge?" Keith frowned.

"I'm saying that someone in the rebels has my brother's gear, that means that they might know what happened to him." Pidge explained. "I just want to know what happened to my family."

"We all do." Hunk mumbled looking down. "I can't believe we've been asleep for 10,000 years."

"Yeah." Keith said quietly as he glanced across the room. "I'm going to find Shiro."

The yellow and green paladins watched him go.

"Think he misses his family?" Hunk asked tilting his head.

"Yeah." Pidge nodded. "I know he does."

The tremor that ran through the castle made everyone flinch.

The lights all turned off leaving them all in darkness.

Chaos ensued, the Arusians began screaming and running fleeing towards the bridge getting a safe distance from the castle.

"What in Dibazal's name-" Keith asked spinning around.

"What happened?!" Shiro asked, rushing over to where the others were stood.

"I don't know!" Pidge exclaimed. "The powers out, something's wrong with the crystal."

"We need to get to the control room." Allura decided, pinching her earring. "Coran come in."

Shiro watched the worry increase.

"Let's go." He said taking the lead.

The moment they arrived in the control room the first thing they found was black smoke. It drifted from the room making it at first almost impossible to see.

"Coran?" Hunk called into the room. "Anyone?"

As the smoke cleared more they found Coran unconscious on the floor.

"Oh my! Coran!" Allura said kneeling next to him. "Coran?"

The older Altean's face scrunched up before his eyes slowly parted. He looked confused for a moment before his gaze flickered to Allura's. "What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us." Pidge admitted.

"Lance." Shiro suddenly said as he helped the blue paladin to his feet. "Are you okay?"

Lance swayed eyes half lidded with a blank look on his face. "Rover." He mumbled before he slumped into Shiro his head dropping fully.

"He's hurt." Shiro explained noting the scratches that littered Lance's skin as he lowered him to the ground.

"He pushed me, I remember that much." Coran frowned as Hunk helped him up.

"He needs a pod." Keith said crossing his arms.

"That won't be possible." Allura whispered from the other side of the room.

"Why- oh boy." Hunk breathed as their gazes all landed on the broken crystal that lay shattered around the room.

"Who... How?" Pidge asked shocked.

"Sendak." Lance groaned.

"You need to rest Lance. We'll get you fixed up soon." Shiro assured gently.

Lance made a weak humming sound he then coughed doubling over before wincing.

He fell back against Shiro who frowned noting the blood on his glove from the cough.

"I've... I've had worse." Lance slurred with a wheeze.

"How can we get the castle up and running again?" Shiro asked looking towards Coran.

"We need a new crystal." Coran explained with a deep frown.

"How are we going to find one, the castles systems are down, we can't scan the system for a Balmera." Hunk pointed out panic creeping into his tone.

"Princess, we need your help! Our village is under attack!" The Arusian king said as he arrived.

"I... Okay... Um... I-" Allura started looking between the crystal, Lance and the door.

"Oh come on!" Keith suddenly snapped making them all look to him. "We're the defenders of the universe, we can handle this."

"He's right." Pidge nodded. "We can do this."

"I know where there is a Balmera." Coran said looking towards Hunk. "I will need your help."

"Sure thing." Hunk nodded. "But we need a ship, without power we won't be able to launch any of the lions."

"The pods!" Pidge said looking up at them. "I showed some Arusians the Altean pods, I even opened the hangar door."

"Good." Shiro sighed. "Alright here's the plan. Keith, Allura you go help the Arusians, make sure they're okay. Hunk, Coran go get that crystal. Pidge see what you can do about getting the lions hangars open, we might need them, and see if you can close the doors. I'll look after Lance and guard the castle."

"Alright, keep the coms open." Hunk said quietly. "Tell us if you need help."

"We will." Keith nodded. "Go."

Shiro carefully lifted Lance noting the way the boys face scrunched up. "Lance?"

"Ow." Lance whimpered opening his eyes slightly.

"Just a little longer alright, we're going to fix you up." Shiro promised with a small smile. "We won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

Lance gave a small nod and settled eyes closing again.

Shiro didn't know if this was going to work, but he wasn't going to let Lance die, nor was he going to let the castle be over taken by the galra, if it was them.

He carried Lance towards the main doors, so long as he was ready here to stop the Galran from getting in they might stand a chance.

"We just need to give Coran and Hunk time." Shiro told himself as he looked down at Lance. "Let's do this."

Keith was right, they were defenders of the universe, they were trained to handle situations just like this.

But they had never done it without the guidance of their masters, of their teachers, of their team.

Shiro shook his head. Zarkon would offer him no words of wisdom now. Not after what he did to them all.

His gaze lifted to see a group moving across the bridge towards the castle.

"Sendak." Shiro growled lowly.

He didn't know this guy well but he knew enough about him. He carefully placed Lance down hoping to keep him out of this.

Lance however opened his eyes slightly, he looked beyond exhausted but he also looked concerned.

"Stay here." Shiro said firmly before he walked towards the entrance his metal arm lighting up. "Sendak, I should have known it was you."

"Shiro, I am surprised." Sendak growled. "But then again, you always did have a knack for survival."

Shiro frowned. How did he know him?

"Nice arm, but the druids gave me the latest upgrade, shall we see who's is better?" Sendak smirked eyes burning brightly.

Shiro growled lowly. "Here we go."

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