48: Fever

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As paladins their lives never really stopped, or slowed for that matter.

They still had missions and meeting and when they didn't have either of those they focused on their skills and trained together.

But there was a lot of eyes on the blue paladin who didn't look like he was doing so great.

"Paladin, are you sure you're okay?" Kolivan frowned stepping forward.

None of them had seen any concern from the Blades leader for any of them. But seeing Lance like this had clearly triggered something.

"Yeah." Lance nodded formly. "It's just a cold, a normal human thing that happens every now and then, seriously don't sweat it."

"You're the only one who's sweating." Pidge replied casually.

Lance shot her a blank look.

"Alright then, since everyone's here I guess we should begin training." Shiro frowned not sounding certain.

Allura seemed to read his mind turning the training level down slightly.  They could all tell something was wrong with Lance.

He seemed tired and slow almost.

Even if he adamantly demanded he was fine.

He wasn't.

At first things were going okay, going great in fact.

Lance didn't miss a shot and he even saved Kolivans back once or twice.

But when the change happened everyone noticed. How could they not?

Shiro just wished he had made the shout sooner.

Lance had fallen to his knees one hand on the floor another clutching at his chest.

He had gone pale. Really pale.

And he was shaking.

The gladiator behind him didn't recognise the change, only that his enemy was weak.

"End training sequence!" Keith shouted as Shiro launched at the gladiator.

Once it was down he turned just in time to see Hunk recoil from Lance as the young boy shivered with a sob.

"I think I hurt him." Hunk exclaimed panic flooding his voice.

"Hunk, breathe." Pidge snapped harshly.

"Lance? Lance, talk to me." Shiro encouraged kneeling next to him.

"Everything hurts." Lance complained squeezing his eyes shut. "I feel cold."

Shiro frowned pulling his glove off his organic hand to touch Lance's forehead. "Lance you're burning."

"What?" Lance breathed out squinting at Shiro.

"We need to get him in a pod." Keith said urgently.

"Right." Pidge nodded with a frown.

"I'm going to move you." Shiro informed as he guided Lance into a sitting position. "That okay?"

Lance nodded then groaned. "My chest hurts."

"Alright." Shiro said gently. "You're not well are you?"

Lance grumbled softly.

"Just admit it." Keith frowned. "No one will think any less of you."

"I'm being stubborn." Lance admitted eyes half lidded.

"You can say that again." Pidge mumbled getting a frown from Shiro.

"Lance we're going to help you, okay?" Hunk promised as he hovered over him.

"I'm okay." Lance winced practically glaring at the floor.

"No you're not."

Lance shivered leaning more into Shiro.

Pidge watched him cautiously before she grabbed a headband from the side, she gently placed it on Lance's head getting a frown from the others.

"Lance?" She asked gently. "Why are you scared of being ill?"

The band glowed lightly as Lance's eyes fell closed and a screen loaded to show a picture of the Galran mines.

Small compact spaces, those who looked sickly and ill didn't seem to last long.

"We're not going to replace you." Pidge promised. "We're going to help."

Lance's eyes cracked open slightly. "Okay."

"Let's get you up." Shiro said looping his arm under Lance's legs and rising with him.

Lance made a weak wheezing sound but didn't try and stop him.


Coran entered the hallway with a frown.

"How is he?"

"Has the pod worked?"

"How long until he's better?"

The paladins all stared at Coran waiting for a reply.

"A pod would be a good idea." Coran admitted quietly. "However, Lance's breakfast this morning is all over the floor and he is crying."

"He's what?" Hunk asked as he jumped to his feet.

The medical room was quickly busy again.

Hunk sat with Lance unsure how to help him. Coran was cleaning up with Shiro's help and Keith and Pidge were looking into the pods controls.

Lance looked miserable and exhausted.

"How can we make you feel better Lance?" Hunk asked anxiously tapping his knees.

He wanted to comfort Lance but didn't know how, he could see how tired he was and how much pain he was in.

But he needed Lance to guide him.

"I wanna go to bed." Lance croaked rubbing his eyes. "Please."

"Will sleep help?" Keith asked kneeling next to him.

Lance nodded as he sniffed. "I donno."

"Okay then." Hunk said as he and Keith helped Lance to his feet. "Let's get you to your room."

Once there Lance tugged at his armour but gave up with a whine as he sank into his bed.

"Alright, stop whining." Keith said as he helped him to undo the clasps and then get the armour off over his head. "Use your words next time."

Lance's hazy eyes looked around the room. "I just need to sleep."

"Sounds like a plan." Hunk nodded watching how Lance flopped back onto the mattress tugging the covers over him. "Lance you don't need these, you're burning up."

"No I do." Lance slurred. "Don't wanna get cold."

"There's no way you'll be cold." Keith frowned.

"Urgh." Lance gave up with a weak sob, throwing one arm over his eyes. "I hate you guys."

"What?" Hunk asked softly.

"Just give him the covers." Keith grumbled crossing his arms. "I'm gonna see if Kolivan or any of the others have any medicines we might be able to give him."

Hunk shook his head hesitantly laying the covers over Lance. "You don't hate us really... Do you?"

Lance pulled the covers up snuggling into the pillows too. "No. Love you guys too much."

Hunk smiled brushing his fingers through Lance's hair noting how he leaned into the touch.

"I missed you." Lance whispered eyes closed.

Hunk frowned and opened his mouth to speak when Lance continued.

"I thought you were dead I... I watched you die."


"I'm sorry." Lance mumbled into the pillow. "I'm so sorry, dad."

Hunk sat back and watched as Lance settled then drifted off to sleep.

What was that all about?

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