81: Trusted

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"Voltron is the only thing strong enough to stop the Galra." Keith growled.

"How do you not know what Voltron is?" Pidge asked, and Lance could tell she was almost angry.

"To be honest you guys look like space power rangers." The pilot shrugged.

Lance laughed, he couldn't help it. He was almost wheezing with it. "Oh man, that's hilarious."

"He talks like a human." The guard grumbled making James stiffen slightly.

"Who are you all? Names and species. Now!"

The hovering MFE ship shifted and Lance tracked the movement they were getting ready to open fire if they had to.

But if the others told these humans their species then they were going to be dead, very, very dead.

"Now!" The pilot demanded again.

Lance opened his mouth when something else caught his attention, he felt Pidge tense next to him. The others had spotted it too.

"Look out!" He shouted pointing towards the plummeting ship.

The guard flinched spinning to see a Galran ship entering the atmosphere.

The hovering MFE blasted towards it opening fire on the ship. A blast caught a tail fin and sent the ship spiralling towards them.

"Move!" The pilot ordered but Lance lifted his Bayard and aimed.

The blast he fired hit the other side and the falling Galran ship sailed right over their heads crashing into the dirt just beyond Krolia's ship.

"What the-"

"Fan out." Keith ordered as the team scrambled to assess the situation.

Marching out of the Galran ship were sentries, ready for battle.

"They got a paint job." Lance noted with a frown. "Recognise the pattern?"

"Sendak." Krolia informed with a growl.

"Wait, Sendak's here?" Hunk gasped looking up.

"Perfect." Pidge sighed.

"We knew he would turn up eventually." Coran reminded.

Lance opened fire drawing the attention of the sentries as James appeared next to him.

"Aim for their heads." Lance instructed before he jumped over the rock he was hiding behind and slid down the hill into the battle.

It didn't take any of them long and with James and he guard also helping to take down the few who tired to run they were soon done.

"Sending sentries isn't a half bad idea." Shiro admitted once it was quiet. "It doesn't matter if you shoot the ship down you'll still have to contend with some sentries."

"But it doesn't really fit to Sendak's normal forms of combat." Pidge chipped in.

"Yeah, he tends to come to the surface, I wonder what's stopping him."


All gazes moved to the MFE pilot who was now joined by a girl in the same uniform and another guard.

"Hate to burst your bubble but he's not afraid of you, or intimidated even." Lance said shaking his head. "He's planning something."

"Why did you help us?" The female pilot asked.

"Because that's what we do." Hunk explained as his Bayard vanished. "We're team Voltron and we're here to help." 

"Iverson needs to hear about this." James mumbled looking at the guards. "We'll take them back with us."

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