82: Crucial

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Galran sentries marched through the dimly lit tunnels their eyes scanning for anyone.

They had been taking people captive and no one really knew what happened to those people.

But the earth needed help.

Humans needed help.

Even as they tried to stand up to the Galran's and their unwavering power, they needed something stronger to back them up.

People were tired, scared, hurt and many were losing hope in any chance of success against the Galran's.

They were going to have to surrender.

Hope was dwindling, dimming amidst the ever growing pressure.

Help was needed.

Help was coming.


"Welcome to the Galaxy Garrison."

Lance gasped softly to himself. He had heard of the Galaxy Garrison before he was taken.

His older brother used to take supplies there for them, like food or even tools.

He went once.

This was nothing like then.

Everything was underground, it looked like mini market stalls were set up along one side.

Holes were cut into the walls and ladders mounted next to them forming beds without taking up floor space.

It was clever.

There was a a small farm and a giant greenhouse which in Lance's mind couldn't work. You needed sun to grow crops.

But they had an environment that they could survive in.

Pidge squeezed his hand tightly and Lance tried not to just jump head first into the base.

He wanted to ask so many questions, he wanted to talk to so many people, but the guilt playing heavily in the back of his mind made his throat close up.

He didn't deserve to be this excited.

Maybe once he had saved them and stopped this, maybe then.

But right now all he had done to his home was cause problems, he didn't deserve to be excited by this.

"Nice set up." Shiro said getting a nod from James.

"We tried to utilise the space." Ina explained casually. "And we tried to work with everyone's needs."

"This is where you have been living?" Allura asked as she spinned to take it all in. "This is incredible."

"Follow me, there's lots of people who need to meet you." James grumbled as he set off.

The group followed, not unwatched.

Hundreds, if not more, people were watching them but Lance had also spotted the swivelling cameras that turned upon their entrance.

He nodded towards them and Pidge followed his gaze.

"They're just being cautious." She reminded him.

"I know." Lance mumbled back.

The base was cold and damp and Lance didn't like it.

It reminded him of places he would rather not be. So he tried to make himself invisible so that he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

But with everyone curiously trying to poke them it was very difficult.

"Paladins? What on Earth is a paladin?"

"Are they the good guys?"

"Are they here to help us?"

"What help are they going to be?"

Lance took a deep breath, the questions made sense, Lance himself didn't have a clue who Voltron was until Te-osh had mentioned it in the mines.

But now wasn't the time to start thinking like that. He needed to be collected otherwise problems would arise.

Emotional problems.

Lance crossed his arms tightly around his chest almost as a hug as he watched the camp. The others were far more sociable than him for once.

James had led Keith, Allura and Shiro to meet who he assumed was Iverson.

Lance couldn't be sure. And he felt bad for not engaging with others like the rest of his team was.

He just couldn't bring himself to actually do more than stare. This was...

Shaking that thought away he glanced around the base. It was old, probably older than everyone in the building.

But something really snagged his attention. He found a series of pictures and names written on a wall.

He slowly approached and felt really vain for several long moments.

Staring back at him was a picture of himself.

When he was 8. It looked like it was just before everything went so wrong.

"This is our wall to remember."

Lance glanced to his side to see an older woman standing beside him. Lance recognised her instantly, his eyes blurred slightly as he stared at her.

She was his mother.

His mother.

She smiled gently to him. "That's my son, Lance. He was taken by the Galra nearly 14 years ago."

Lance stared back up at the wall his eyes rapidly flickering trying to spot anyone else he knew.

"I wish I knew what happened to him." She continued fondly. "But... There is a big universe out there."

"Rosa, we need your help."

"I'm coming." She said before placing her hand on Lance's arm. "It was nice speaking to you paladin."

She pulled away and Lance almost caught hold of her arm, he felt sick but...

He withdrew back into himself.

He wished he could be courageous for 30 seconds just to shout her name and show her, tell her. But he was a coward.

Perhaps that was all he ever was.

A coward.

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