22: Fight

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The whole castle trembled before the lights flickered fading out.

Shiro glanced around in a mixture of awe and confusion. Something wasn't working, which was good for them in general but the angrier Sendak got the worse things would become.

"Why isn't it working?" Sendak growled batting a sentry away with his prosthetic hand.

"Commander, someone has been messing with the controls from the lower levels." Hepta replied eyes narrowed. "Someone is running loose."

"Send out a transmission through the castle." Sendak growled before he stood in front of Shiro. "Let's see where your paladin compassion puts you."

Shiro growled.

"Whoever is out there attempting to stop us, I suggest you stop, or else a paladin will be losing his life." Sendak stated loudly.

"Zarkon wants me alive." Shiro reminded glaring at him. "That won't work."

"I wasn't referring to you." Sendak smirked as two sentries rolled Lance over and dragged him towards Sendak. "The only one capable of this much damage must be your green paladin, the small one."

"Don't touch him." Shiro breathed out as two sentries held him back.

Sendak smirked tracing a claw down Lance's face just barely catching his skin leaving a faint red line of blood.

Lance's eyebrows furrowed.

"Tell her to stop or I will harm him further." Sendak warned as his prosthetic hand lit up with purple electrical energy.

"No." Shiro breathed clenching his hands tight. He didn't want Lance to be hurt but at the same time he couldn't let the castle and the lions fall into the Galran's hands.

He closed his eyes looking away.

The lights then went down.

Shiro glanced around with a frown, he saw something moving through the shadows.


He turned his gaze to Sendak who was looking around too, his bionic eye searching.

Shiro couldn't let him see her.

He threw himself forwards taking the sentries by surprise, he just hoped that he could protect his team long enough for Pidge to put into action her plan.

Sendak however wasn't happy about Shiro's sudden fight for freedom.

He was pinned harshly against the wall by Sendak's arm.

"Paladin!" Sendak growled.

A blurr of green.

Pidge's Bayard hit something causing it to spark. Then he heard it.

The particle barrier was down.

Shiro was thrown towards the center of the room, he landed next to Lance who had been dropped again by the sentries.

Pidge appeared slashing for Sendak but he moved out of her way.

She stumbled not expecting the bulky figure to move so fast. Sendak's hand then caught her lifting her up.

The large Galran was then stumbling back his hand opening to drop Pidge as he twisted to see who had hit him. Shiro's eyes snapped to Lance.

He was awake, breathing hard holding his Bayard in his hands with a glare on his face. He looked like he was going to pass out but he stared Sendak down regardless.


Lance smirked, oh, so slightly, there was no fear in his eyes. No hesitation. "Give him hell!"

Shiro turned to see Keith and Allura appear in the room, Keith let out a vicious growl launching at Sendak with his Bayard.

Allura ran towards the controls spinning her staff around to knock two sentries down.

"Keith, Pidge!" She called hands hovering over the controls.

"Behind you!" Shiro called as Hepta appeared. He launched for Allura only for a slash of green to knock him backwards.

Hepta growled drawing his sword, he slashed at Pidge who narrowly missed each attack.

Lance then slumped back head handing low as his Bayard fell from his grasp.

Shiro knocked over a sentry who was moving towards Lance and himself, he felt useless though, with his hands behind his back he felt his

A sentry across the room fired a shot aiming for Lance. Shiro flinched to block it hoping his armour would take most of the damage.

But it never hit him. There was a sparking thud before Rover crashed just next to Lance.

"Rover!" Pidge shouted only to get knocked back her helmet rolling away.

"Pidge!" Shiro grit out not know what to say or what to do. They were losing, they were going to lose.

Hepta stalked forwards raising his sword to slash down when Rover appeared again taking the full force of the attack. Hepta's blade sank in deep into Rover making more sparks fly before his turquoise glow faded.

Pidge fired her Bayard hitting Hepta square in the jaw, he tumbled backwards and didn't move.

Keith managed to pin Sendak's arm down and Pidge slashed through the glowing cord.

Shiro hovered by Lance's side worriedly watching him, he needed a pod.

Pidge and Keith worked seamlessly together and then Allura hit the controls a particle barrier sealing Sendak in the center of the room, unable to attack or escape.

"We did it." Allura breathed out turning towards them. "Oh my days."

Pidge cut through Shiro's cuffs allowing him to move Lance, he pulled him into an upright position anxious of the wounds that he had.

"Lance?" Keith asked kneeling next to him.

"Well that worked." Lance winced. "Don't ever let me do it again."

Shiro let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry, we won't let you."

"Hey guys? You there?!" Hunk asked urgently over the coms.

"Hunk!" Pidge smiled looking towards her helmet. "Did you get a crystal?"

"We did and were on our way back." Hunk nodded. "But the second everything is up and running we need to head back to the Balmera."

"Why? What's happened?" Allura asked.

"Oh princess, it's awful." Coran replied. "They've nearly completely killed the Balmera, and its people are imprisoned, forced to help their own destruction."

"The galra." Allura growled. "We will help them, I promise."

"Good, cause without Shay none of this would be possible."

"Shay?" Lance mumbled softly.

"Oh, hey Lance." Hunk said. "Are you okay?"

"No, he needs a pod." Keith frowned. "Like now."

"M'okay." Lance slurred his head dropping against Shiro's chest.

"How close are you?" Shiro asked.

"We're at Arus now." Coran explained.

"Alright, let's get Lance to the medical room, we can organise our attack later." Shiro decided as he moved to pick Lance up.

"Nope, you're hurt." Keith's aid sharply. "You need to rest up, I'll take him."

Shiro glanced back at Lance before he gave a faint nod. "Alright."

[A/n: I had a bit of trouble writing this one, it was not fun. 😒]

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