76: Fading lights

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The arena was bustling with Galran's and guards and Lance could feel his heart pulsing rapidly under the heavy metal chest plate.

Why was Galran armour so heavy?

Lance assumed it was because of their build and the muscles that they built up over time.

Lance just knew that he was going to be exhausted by the end of it.

Lotor had snuck Lance into the arena with Ezor and Narti. He was suited up in Galran armour with a helmet to conceal his identity fully.

His job? Scope the place out for any final changes. It seemed fairly easy and that was why he had volunteered.

And there was a massive one he was quick to report in.

"Haggar is here."

"What?" Hunk asked sharply.

And yeah, this was big.

Haggar was meant to be on her ship with her experiments doing things that only Haggar did.

Not here.

Not now.

Lance's mind was racing with ideas.

"She's watching with Zarkon." Lance explained leaning against the wall as he watched the fight below. It looked brutal.

Lance felt his stomach twist. He didn't want to be here all of a sudden.

"We need to get her away from Zarkon somehow." Lotor said sounding anxious but firm. "I can stop my father but I doubt very much that I'll be able to take Haggar on."

Lance walked quickly through the crowd to a side section where it was quieter.

"Well I got good news and bad news. Shiro's opponent is acting up again." Pidge informed. "Two guards just got taken away with injuries."


The coms were silent for a long time.

Lance knew he had to do something, but attacking her wouldn't work in anyone's favour, he had learned that lesson on Puig.

If he rushed into an attack to early he could endanger the whole mission.

But doing nothing wasn't an option either. Lance could see Lotor in his position waiting for someone to do something.


His part was hard enough as it was right now.

Adding Haggar to the mix wasn't an option.

Her being here wasn't part of the deal but they couldn't change facts now.

Perhaps a distraction might do the trick.

"Who's Shiro's opponent?" Lance asked trying to keep his voice level.

"An alien names Zax." Pidge replied and Lance could imagine the way her face scrunched up in confusion. "Why?"

Lance nodded to himself and tried to must up all his courage. He flipped the voice distorter on and tried to get into a character. "I've got a plan."

"Care to inform us?" Keith asked.

But Lance was already moving, his breaths came out shaky as he stepped into the royal box.

It was far from royal but he could make a joke about that later.

If there was a later.

This was by far the worst idea he had ever had and he often had a lot of bad ideas.

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