63: The New Problem

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Lance frowned at the screen. "Okay, we need to get moving then."

"My lion is exhausted." Keith frowned. "She's not going anywhere."

Lance sighed. "Can Blue carry her?"

"Probably." Keith shrugged.

Lance shifted floating into his seat. He grabbed the controls but Blue gave a whine in the back of his head.

"Yeah, Blue isn't going anywhere either." He admitted turning back to Keith.

Keith growled quietly as his Bayard came to his hand. "Then we'll have to stand our ground until they get their energy back."

"Okay." Lance whispered softly.

The ship that came into view was a lot bigger than either of them anticipated.

And Lance had to admit he had never seen a design like it, it was... He didn't know who's ship it was.

It pulled both the lions on board and Lance couldn't help the growing lump in his throat. He felt sick.

Keith shot him a glance. "Stay behind me."

Lance wasn't going to argue with the second in command and samurai of the most powerful team in the universe.

The lions were placed down gently and a group of 5 walked towards the ship.

Lance followed Keith holding his Bayard up at the ready. He also snatched up his blaster hooking it to the back of his suit.

He didn't know when he might need it.

Keith stepped off the ramp glaring at the 5 with a weak growl.

"At ease paladin." The leader said as he pulled his helmet off, long white hair flowed down his back, a bit like Allura's really. "My name is Lotor and I am here to help you."

"No way." Lance breathed his jaw dropping.

"You know him too?" Keith asked without looking back.

"Hardly," Lance scoffed, "I've heard of him. He's the banished son of Zarkon." Lance explained as he gripped his Bayard tighter, he noticed Keith do the same.

Lotor sighed running a hand through his long hair. "Here we go again." He said glancing to the woman standing next to him. "Can we pay attention to the banished part? I am nothing like my father."

"Oh yeah? Prove it." Keith growled.

"I want to help you destroy him." Lotor said crossing his arms. "I cannot do that without Voltron but I know that my input is necessary."

"No thanks, we can handle it alone." Lance piped up still mostly hiding behind Keith.

"Please." Lotor said meeting Keith's gaze. "The pain my father has caused is unforgivable. I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Lance slowly lowered his blaster looking towards Keith.

When Keith's sword vanished and he straightened up everyone relaxed.

"If you step out of line I will kill you." Keith warned sharply.

"Noted." Lotor nodded. "Your lions need energy, how can we assist them?"

"They need to get back to the castle." Keith said crossing his arms. "Got any ideas as to where that is?"

"No, but we can most definitely find out." Lotor smiled slightly. "Until then we can provide you with sustenance and comfort until you are returned to your team."

Lance stuck close to Keith as they moved around the ship. It was a big ship, a beautiful one too, but it didn't quell the anxiety bubbling in Lance's chest.

He could see that Keith hadn't fully relaxed and Lance felt all the safer knowing that Keith was prepared to jump into action.

Their weapons hadn't been removed which was a comfort but Lance didn't like how easy it all felt.

It felt a little too easy.

They had crashed through a wormhole and then the first ship to come across them was friendly?

What were the chances?

A very small, teeny, tiny chance.



Lance was getting distracted again.

"I hope that I can share the information I have about my father to someone who can put it to good use." Lotor explained when they arrived in the control room. It was filled with Galran's who looked up at them when they entered.

But the ones who gained Lance's attention were the woman who stood around the room.

Sure they were in the hangar along with prince Lotor but they had now only just removed their helmets.

Lance recognised them.

He knew them

Why did he know them?

"Paladins I would like you to meet my generals," Lotor smiled. "Axca, Ezor, Zethrid and Narti."

Keith gave a weak nod.

"Awesome! Actual paladins." Ezor said as she jumped over. "When we heard you guys were back we were all so excited."

"Hi." Lance nodded stiffly before he met Zethrid's gaze and pointed at her. "I know you."

"Do you little one?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You were on Thayserix." Lance said with a frown.

"Thayserix?" Keith frowned. "When you were in the mining camp?"

"Kinda after that part." Lance whispered fumbling with his hands.

"Zethrid do you know him?"

"Yeah he was in one of the labs on that dusty rock, I thought you were dead." She frowned.

"I um... It definitely felt like I died." He shrugged with an awkward laugh.

"How come you have a leg again?" Zethrid frowned leaning towards him.

Ezor grabbed his leg basically swiping his feet out from under him causing him to fall on his back. "Ow, it's a metal leg!"

"Hey! Put him down!" Keith growled his Bayard returning to his hand.

"Generals." Lotor frowned. "Please, put him down."

"I would appreciate it." Lance admitted with a wince.

"Oh yikes sorry." Ezor said as she dropped his foot.

"You got a metal leg huh? Makes sense." Zethrid nodded.

"Lotor we have a lock on the castles position." Axca explained with a frown.

"Excellent." Lotor nodded. "Let's get you and your lions back to your team."

Lance sighed slowly sitting up as Keith knelt next to him.

"You good?"

Lance nodded. "Yeah I'll be fine. Let's just get back to the others."

Keith nodded placing his hand on Lance's shoulder offering a squeeze.

Lance frowned at it but said nothing.

Keith wasn't usually one for physical contact, he preferred to keep his distance.

This was turning weirder and weirder by the minute.

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