9: 4 part joy

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Lance grinned brightly as the red lion roared at them all. They had done it, the plan had worked and they were all alive.

Lance counted that was a massive win.

Sure Sendak's ship had crashed not far from here but he knew that Sendak wouldn't be that easy to get rid of. But he pushed those thoughts aside, it wasn't his problem anymore.

Keith exited his lion looking overly excited.

"We're back!" He cheered grinning.

Lance gave a soft chuckle watching the friends hug all together. They really were a very close knit team.

"Let's get to the control room, all we need now is the blue lion." Allura explained eyes shining with determination and excitement.

Lance followed after them wordlessly. He felt happy that he had been able to help, Keith had his lion now and they were able to stop Sendak a raging force that had Lance honestly scared for his life.

He wasn't sure, of course, if they had actually got rid of Sendak for good, Lance knew his reputation. He was one who never gave up easily, so much for not worrying about it.

They arrived at the control room to find Coran who gave all of them a big hug of excitement, telling them how worried they all were. He even gave Lance one.

When he pulled back he beamed brightly at him, his baby blue eyes sparkling as he lifted the orb. "I'm glad that you trusted me with keeping this safe, but I do believe-"

"No." Allura's voice was sharp as she snatched the orb out of Coran's hand shielding it with her body.

"Allura." Coran said with a frown.

"No, this is better off in our hands." She said determinedly. "We can use it to be ready for what Zarkon throws at us."

"That's not yours." Lance said reaching for it.

Allura moved out of his reach as the control room fell into silence. "Well it's not yours either. Be reasonable Lance, we can use this to save the universe."

"You don't even know what's on it." Lance protested throwing his arms out. "I do."

"Then tell us." Allura said with a slight frown. "This team doesn't like having secrets from one another."

"In case you hadn't noticed I'm not part of your team." Lance spat out hands clenched. "Give it back."

Allura shook her head swiftly. "If you do not wish to support us as a team then you should leave."

"Give it back!" Lance snapped reaching for her when Shiro's metal arm went across his chest hodling his shoulder. "Shiro."

Allura turned to him holding the orb up so Lance could see it. It was cruel really, showing him something that he needed desperatly but holding it just out of reach. "You want this to get yourself known as something in this universe, it won't matter if we are unable to stop Zarkon, so stop whining and give it to those who can make a good use of it."

Lance's hands coiled tight his face dropping as it set into an angry scowl. "You spoilt little-"

"Lance." Shiro warned his grip tightening.

"No, it's not fair." Lance said knocking his hand off. "I found that, I risked my life to get it. You act like that doesn't matter."

"It does, but it belongs here with us."

"Like hell it does!" Lance growled.

Allura frowned. "You're acting so childish, this is going to save the universe. Don't you want that?"

Lance growled lowly in his throat before he tried to launch at her, Shiro's arm again caught him wrapping tight around him lifting his feet off the ground. "Put me down!"

"Shiro, if you don't mind." Allura said sharply.

"I hate you!" Lance screamed as Shiro dragged him out of the room.

The moment the doors closed Shiro turned dropped him and pushed him forwards.

Lance stumbled whirling back around going to try again when Shiro caught his shoulders.

"Let her be." Shiro said gently. "She won't give up."

"Neither will I." Lance said back his voice wavering slightly in his anger.

"Lance." Shiro said again, his tone making all the fight leave him. Lance dropped his head back as he pulled away from Shiro to run his hands through his hair.

"What do I do now?" He whispered to himself feeling his eyes sting with tears.

"Why don't you go to the rebels? That was where you were headed before you came here, right?" Shiro asked.

Lance laughed bitterly. He leaned against the wall slowly sliding down it.


"Just leave me alone." He said quietly before he was on his feet running back through the castle. He wanted to be alone.

He found himself a few moments or so later, when he had grown tired of running, standing at the edge of the cliff listening to the waves crash on against the cliff.

There he sat down defeated.

That was his ticket in and Allura didn't care, it was as if she only cared about Voltron. Maybe she did.

Sure it was powerful and if the rumors were true then it had a chance to stop Zarkon, but it was just a ship.

Without the backing of planets and people there was nothing for them to run with, they needed allies.

Lance let out a shout of annoyance before he flopped backwards. "Why does the universe hate me?!"

He lay there for a while, contemplating what he should do, he didn't have a ship, he didn't have any money, he didn't have anything to trade and he wasn't going back to being a slave. Not again.

With a heavy groan he slowly got up.

As he did though a sharp scratching pain caught his leg.

He whirled around to see something with a fan-like end stabbing his leg. A dart.

Lance lifted his gaze squinting to see where it came from but his head went dizzy, he pitched backwards and Lance feared if he didn't correct his stance he would fall over the cliff.

He tried to stand upright again when something small popped out of the grass.

Lance frowned trying to get his eyes to work but this time, when he fell, he fell.

He slipped, mind to foggy with the drug to catch the vine he saw on the edge of the cliff. To spaced out to even scream or understand the situation he was in.

He was going to die.

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