65: The Brother

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Upon exiting the tunnels Lance gulped down air appreciatively. The walls were so far apart.

There was room!

"You okay?" Keith asked kneeling next to him.

Lance nodded offering a weak smile. "Yeah, thanks."

"You're a fool prince Lotor!"

The three flinched as commander Lash's voice rang out.

Lance jerked back behind Lotor who scowled at nothing in particular.

"Lash, I am ordering you off my ship or things will get ugly." Lotor growled.

Keith's Bayard appeared as a sword and Lance lifted his hand blaster, aiming for Lash's own weapon as she walked forwards.

"I recognise that blaster." Lash whispered her head tilting so she could see Lance better. "Of course you're the boy."

"Lance?" Keith asked.

"The one that got away." Lash smiled, but it seemed slightly crazed. "And the Galra never forget the ones who get away."

"Commander Lash this is your final warning." Lotor growled.

"Has he not yet told you of how he escaped us before?" Lash asked looking towards Keith. "It's an interesting story."

Lance grabbed Keith's arm pulling the red paladin back as a blast was aimed for him.

The next one hit Keith's shield which he activated just in time.

Lotor directed them to move behind some of the crates in the hangar.

"This is not how I thought things would go." Lotor sighed heavily. "You both okay?"

Another round of fire came as Lash's guards joined her.

Lance shook his head before moving as his Bayard formed. He shot three down before ducking back down to avoid a shot.

Lotor snatched up his own blaster and left them.

Keith growled lowly to himself and went to head after him, he wanted to keep the prince in his sights as much as possible to be sure that this wasn't some trick, but something caught his wrist.

He glanced back at Lance who stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Please don't listen to her." He almost begged. "I didn't... I haven't done what she says I did. It wasn't my fault."

Keith frowned slightly, he didn't like the desperation in Lance's eyes. "I won't listen." He promised. "Get your Bayard up, stay out of the line of fire."

"Same goes for you." Lance nodded as his Bayard shifted becoming a sniper rifle.

Keith blinked at it for a second before he let a rare smile come to his face, then he ran off after Lotor.

He found Lotor detaching strange cables from his lions body.

"What are these?" He demanded with a bite to his words.

"Lash must of connected them, they will drain the power of your lions if we do not quickly disconnect them." Lotor explained. "Are you going to help?"

"No he's going to fight me!" Lash said as she appeared.

Keith used his shield to cover them both but then a blast send Lash's blaster scattering away and the whole hangar fell silent.

Lance stepped around the corner his hand blaster trained on her. "Hands where I can see them." He ordered.

Lotor continued to remove the cables and soon both lions were disconnected from the cables and Keith was slowly starting to trust Lotor slightly more.

Not fully yet but a little bit.

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