39: The Wood Through The Trees

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Lance finally made it to where the others were waiting only to see Keith had his sword at king Lubos' neck.

"Keith!" Shiro said sharply. "Stand down."

"He's not a prisoner." Keith growled. "They're using him to force the Olkarians to work, he agreed to play along."


"It's true." A small Olkarian pipped up shakily hiding behind Pidge.

"Trust me." Keith said firmly.

Hunk was the first to turn his Bayard on the Galran's entering the room. "Get him out of here, he can explain himself then."

Lance nodded helping Hunk cover them as the green lion came in for a pick up.

Lubos had a lot of explaining to do.


"This is your leader!" Keith shouted as he shoved Lubos forwards. "He gave into the Galra and let them treat him like a king while he allowed you to be placed into forced labour."

Shiro crossed his arms as he waited. He trusted Keith, but he didn't want Keith to get hurt.

If the Olkarians didn't like what he said then things could get nasty quite quickly.

They would have to be ready to pull back until the situation cooled.

"Lubos, is this true?" Ryner said stepping forwards.

Lubos lowered his gaze. "Yes, but they promised they were going to leave once the work was finished."

"Oh I'm sure they did your Highness." Hunk mumbled gaining their attention. "But why agree to the videos? Why agree to play along with their schemes?"

Lubos looked incredibly embarrassed. "They threatened to make me work like everyone else."

"Listen, all Olkarians!" Ryner called out holding her hands up. "Lubos had failed us, it is time we make our stand, time we take back Olkarion and aid the paladins in their fight."

"Awesome." Pidge grinned.

"What about the big cube?" Lance asked sounding slightly anxious.

"It is adaptive, it channels energy put in and reproduces it." Ryner explained.

"Yes!" Coran announced over the coms his voice was slightly sharp on the eardrums. "Of course it is, energy in, equal energy out."

"Then how do we take it down?" Shiro asked with a frown.

"A show of force won't work." Pidge sighed. "We need a way to disable it long enough for us to dismantle it."

"Okay, that's a plan." Lance nodded. "Are we calling the lions?"

"We sure are." Shiro smiled.

"We will aid you from the ground." Ryner promised.

Lance didn't exactly understand what was going on or what he was doing. But what he knew for sure was that they weren't leaving until this battle was won.

The blue lion landed behind him and Lance turned to smirk at her. "You ready for this?"

Blue roared softly in his mind causing Lance's smile to grow. She leaned down opening her mouth to accept him with a purr.

"You're the newest paladin."

Lance turned sharply to find Ryner standing just off from him. He nodded. "Yeah, stil getting used to it all."

She smiled slightly. "I hope we have success today."

"Shiro's plans usually work." Lance shrugged. "And Pidge won't let us fail so I think we're good."

Ryner nodded. "She is a brave one, now you must go. Please be careful."

Once Lance was in the air he felt a sense of unease settle over him.

If that box returned what they threw at it then this was going to be bad. A blast from a lion wasn't exactly a small thing.

An attack from Voltron well, that could technically take out a lion.

"Okay, let's go deal with the Galran's base." Shiro decided. "Stay clear of the cube until Pidge has a better read on it."

"Be careful guys." Hunk said quietly.

"Let's go." Keith nodded before they all split up.

Lance and Shiro were going to get all the workers off the site, that would involve leaving their lions for a while so he really hoped that Keith would stay true to his word and watch their backs.

Pidge and Hunk circled the cube, Hunk as a distraction while Pidge, being cloaked and all, could get up close to see what it was.

"Where is the commander exactly?" Lance asked looking around. "I don't think the cube has anyone on it, right?"

"I've scanned it but I'm getting no life forms." Hunk explained. "I'm guessing he's near you guys."

"Ready for this Lance?" Shiro asked with a smile.

All the workers were back waiting in their lions, it was just the two of them now, looking up at the building in front of them.

They assumed the top level was where the commander was.

Lance nodded readying his bayard. "I think so."

Himself and Shiro ran moving swiftly through the sorridors taking people down quickly and quietly.

When they made it to the control room Lance stopped at the door taking down the guards and technitions with quick rounds of fire while Shiro made his way to the commander.

But upon his arrival at the commanders side the commander had pressed something, the cube started to rise.

"Pidge he activated it!" Lance informed.

"Oh no." Hunk mumbled.

"Let's see how well you deal with this." The commander grinned.

"Lance!" Shiro said making Lance move, just in time to dodge a sword that nodoubt would have hit him. "You guys are gonna have to figure it out for a second, we're trapped here."

"Alright." Pidge said quietly.

"Are you both okay though?" Keith asked.

"Yes, were good." Shiro replied blocking another attack. "Watch that orb and keep us updated."

The blue lion then launched heading towards the forest.

"Lance?" Shiro turned to see Lance had his eyes squeezed shut. "Lance?!"

"I'm okay." Lance grit out then his eyes opened. "I didn't know the lions could do that."

"Do what?" Shiro asked as Lance gave him some breathing room opening fire on the sentries that entered the room.

"Blue let me pilot her from here." Lance explained with a frown. "You didn't know about that either."

"Yes Lance, we knew." Allura informed.

"Wow." Lance whispered blasting one sentry without looking. "Girl you're amazing."


"I was talking to Blue." Lance said shaking his head.

The commander had run in the attack and Pidge had spotted him retreating in his ship.

"Let's go join the fight Lance." Shiro smirked.

"Can I have a lift?"

"Sure." Shiro nodded.

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