74: Open Skies and Hidden Lies

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Everything was ringing.

He could hear blaster fire.

Distantly smell smoke and... Blood?

His head rocked to one side and he found blurred figures moving just slightly too far away.

But laying there he could clearly see the small Puigian who still had his armour.

With a heavy groan Lance pushed himself up, his head throbbed and his eyes watered but he was up.

His mind was trying to catch up. Why was he struggling to catch his breath? Why did his chest hurt so much?

He managed to crawl to the child's side and found he was breathing, Lance poked his cheek and the Puigians face scrunched up.


He was alive.

Lance's helmet and armour must have protected him from most of the blast.

Lance's gaze danged around again as his ears began to clear.

Pidge, Kolivan and Lotor were battling Galran's all around them.

Axca and Ezor joined the group and then so did Allura and Keith.

Lance knew he should be helping. Knew he should be trying to get them to a safer position but he didn't want to leave the young Puigian on his own.

He didn't even know the kids name.

He snapped his gauntlet on and lifted his shield to block some of the stray shots that aimed towards them.

He felt that he was doing a fairly good job, protecting the kid and himself from further harm until someone came up with a plan when-

Lance flinched narrowly dodging the sword that slashed for his head.

He was defenceless, armourless and he was tired.

But he had been in worse scrapes before.

"You're big." He admitted shuffling on his unsteady feet. "Can't we talk this out?"

"No." The Galran glared. "You're just buying time."

"Yeah." Lance nodded. "Cause we know how this is gonna go don't we."

The Galran charged and Lance, tired and dizzy just stared him down.

Now was not the time to be playing chicken!

But before the Galran could reach Lance something collided with it.

Lance blinked and turned his head to see the Galran struggling against a mass of fur, claws and teeth.

The Galran fell still and then the fur turned to Lance.

Its bright blue eyes made Lance shiver. It pulled away from the Galran and began to walk towards him.

Lance stumbled back and tripped on his own feet falling on the floor. He stared up at the wolf? It was a wolf! The one that attacked him and sent him to that dark hole.

He wasn't going back there.

He wouldn't.

He summoned his Bayard and let it become a blaster before aiming it right at the wolf's head.

It would probably be of no use but he wasn't going down easily.

The wolf stopped and tilted it's head like a puppy that was confused by a command.

Lance stared at it.


Although Keith's voice was greatly welcomed, he was too focused on the wolf to even acknowledge him.

Then a blur of red and white armour came into his peripheral vision and quickly stood between his blaster and the wolf.

"Keith?" Lance frowned.

How hard had he hit his head?

"Don't shoot him." Keith said holding his hands up. "He's on our side now."


"The wolf."

"Oh," Lance blinked, "when did this happen?"

"When you were caught in the slave ship."

"Ah." Lance nodded, his frown unmoving. "And you um... You trust him?"

"Yeah." Keith said as he relaxed. The wolf came to stand next to Keith and nuzzled into his hand before coming closer to Lance.

The wolf licked the side of his face and Lance grimaced leaning away. That hurt.

Keith chuckled and helped him to his feet as he patted the wolf on the back. "You're bleeding." Keith noted reaching for the side of his head.

Lance leaned away. "I'm fine." He mumbled blinking his eyes clear.

The wolf trotted around them and licked at his hand. Lance was more than slightly confused.

"How did you end up being friends?" Lance inquired tilting his head as he brushed his hand through the smooth fur of the wolf.

"He was here, I don't know why, and we had a fight and I managed to break the machinery connected to it."

"And now it likes you." Lance nodded. "Sounds about right."

Hunk then came rushing over. He held Lance's face between his hands and frowned. "Your head's bleeding."

"I know, and it explains a few things." Lance admitted with a smile. "Is this finally over?"

"I think so." Pidge grinned crossing her arms, she looked concerned but she never said anything. "Not too bad."

"You can say that again." Keith smirked nudging her side.

"Coran says that the Galran's are begining to pull their forced away, all their ships are leaving." Allura informed as she joined them.


"W-what happened?"

Lance glanced back to see the child had sat up and was looking very baffled.

"You did good kid." Lance smiled sitting with him.

"Thanks, but I missed all the action." He pouted looking down.

"What's you name?"

"Nyit." The young Puigian said proudly. "It means star."

"Well Nyit, for being the bravest supporter of Voltron I know, you can keep my armour."

"For real?"

"Yeah why not." Lance nodded.

"This is so cool!" Nyit grinned before launching forwards to wrap Lance up into a hug. "Thank you so much Lance."

"Paladins!" Lotor called looking suddenly distressed. "I have just received a message from one of my generals."

"Who?" Pidge asked tilting her head.

"Narti, she has worked as a spy amongst the ranks of the Galran's for years." Lotor explained and Lance could tell he was proud of that. "But the message I received holds some sensitive information."

"How sensitive?" Allura asked her eyes narrowing.

"Your black paladin, he is alive."

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