7: Ridiculously planned

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"These ships are crazy." Hunk breathed out rubbing his face. "The ion cannons are 4 times the size they used to be."

"Where did they get the resources from?"

Lance was quiet where he was sat just off to the side of the team. He didn't really understand what they were talking about nor did he get why they were so shocked.

Sure he grew up surrounded by the Galra but these guys were part of a major war.

He shivered slightly.

He wondered if he was accidently giving himself false hope about this team. They were synchronized, bonded and connected in thought and action, but they didn't have a clue what the universe was like.

He envied them.

Imagine, living in a time without Zarkon?

Lance couldn't picture it, couldn't see a way around the destruction and pain.

They were gathered in the control room where Coran had bought up a hologram of Sendak's approaching ship.

Lance felt his chest tighten just at the sight of it.

Shiro turned to the team, hands on his hips as he spoke loudly.

"Any ideas?"

Keith started by pointing. "What if-"

"That won't work." Allura said shaking her head.

"What if I destroy the ion cannon and you guys sneak on board." Hunk offered.

"And face thousands of Galran soldiers, no thanks." Keith grumbled.

"We need to get on board without being seen, Pidge? Can your lion still cloak?" Shiro asked looking her way.

"Pretty sure it can." Pidge nodded. "But I'll need time to get past their snanning codes."

"So you'll need a distraction?"

"What if I fly towards the ship and get it's attention?" Hunk asked.

"You'll get yourself killed." Keith frowned.

"It's too risky." Shiro agreed.

"Hey I have an idea." Pidge said making them all glance her way. "How about we ask the person who has been under Galran rule for however long?"

Everyone then looked at Lance who stared back confused. "What?"

"Lance do you have any ideas how we can get the red lion?"

Lance looked back at the hologram of Sendak's ship. Closing his eyes he tried to remember what it was like onboard.


"Is he asleep?"

"Turn me in." Lance replied opening his eyes.

"What?" Hunk asked sharply.

"Sendak wants this." Lance explained lifting the satchel. "Hand me in and then you're on board."

"Then what?" Allura asked slowly.

"I don't know, do something sneaky." Lance shrugged.

"I like this plan." Pidge grinned.

"Then you grab the lion and destroy Sendak's ship, lion saved." Lance said gesturing vaguely.

"But we have no idea what Sendak will do to you when he sees you." Hunk said shaking his head. "We're not doing that."

"Also what if he gets ahold of the plans?" Allura asked looking directly at him.

Lance let that question sink in, everything he had worked so hard for was possibly in danger.

"It's not coming with me onboard the ship." Lance whispered as the plan began to take shape in his mind. "He'll keep me alive so that I can tell him where the plans are."

"Where are you going to hide them then?" Shiro asked tilting his head.

That was an excellent question. Up until this point Lance had refused to let them out of his sight. He knew the risks of letting it go again, but these people were the paladins of Voltron.

They were the hero's of the universe according to the legend.

Lance wasn't entirely sure yet.

Lance looked towards Coran who met his gaze with a raised eyebrow.

Lance glanced back at the satchel before he opened it.

"I need you to look after this for me." He admitted quietly as he handed the small orb over to the advisor. "And if anything happens that isn't part of the plan then... I need you to get it to the rebels."

"Are you sure my boy?" Coran asked anxiously.

Lance nodded almost immediately.

"Shiro." Allura said gesturing to him.

"Alright, here's the plan." Shiro said decidedly.

"Keith you me and Pidge will sneak on board Sendak's ship using the green lions cloaking. Allura you'll have the shapeshift to look like a Galran so that you can take Lance back."

"We can use some of the sentires armour you make you look more Galran too." Pidge added.

"Perfect." Allura nodded.

"I cannot condone this." Coran frowned. "Sending the princess into dangerous situations is not what we should be doing right now."

"But Coran-"

"He's right, you're the only one who can find the blue lion." Shiro said firmly. "You have to stay here, Pidge think you can repurpose one of the sentries?"

"You bet ya." Pidge nodded.

"Hunk you'll be here ready to help us tear the ship apart the moment everyone is out."

"You sure you can pull this off?" Keith asked sending a sharp gaze to Lance.

Lance made an awkward sounding chuckle. "I don't know dude, this is my first time saving a giant war cat."

"I'll be on the coms to keep him in line." Allura smiled looking at Keith. "I'll make sure he doesn't mess up."

Lance felt that, that comment was like a kick to the stomach.

She was going to treat him like a two year old who didn't know that he had a choice in life.

Oh Lance was going to have fun being a proper brat.

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