67: Old Times

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"Why did you freeze up?" Lotor asked from where he was staring at the opposite wall with a look of distain.

Lance shook his head and slowly got to his feet. He felt bad about it but he had a lot going on in his head right now.

Rolo and Nyma were here, here because of him? Was it really his fault?

How many other people had been hurt because of him? How many people had a grudge against him like Rolo did?

"Sorry." Was all he could mumble as he leant against the bars.

Their cell was quiet for a while and Lance feared that he had messed something else up again.

Another alliance in jeopardy because of Lance and his actions, first the Rebels now Lotor.

"Why do you stay with them?"

Lance frowned. "What do you mean?"

"With the paladins, I mean without you they wouldn't be able to form Voltron, without you they wouldn't even be alive." Lotor's gaze met his, firm and unyeilding. "So why stay?"

"As you've just said, they wouldn't be here without me. I guess I've got that to my advantage." Lance sighed.

"No, I mean... You know a lot about the Galra and their ways. You could start your own rebellion against them."

"Why leave one fight for another?" Lance whispered looking out of the bars again.

"Your skills are... Intriguing." Lotor admitted. "You're a threat to the Galran's empire and... Perhaps I'm just trying to understand why you stay in this fight."

"What you think I should be like Zarkon? Sit and give orders but never stare danger in the face?" Lance asked glaring at him.

"No, my father is not only a coward but also a villain." Lotor growled. "Don't you have family to get back to? People who would like to know you're alive?"

The cell was quiet, the glare from Lance's expression had fallen and he felt suddenly tired.

"I think I'm better off staying away." He whispered eventually.

"And why's that?"

"Everyone I know gets hurt." Lance shrugged picking at the edge of his gauntlet. "But... The paladins seem to be able to handle it, they... They just get on with it, they're able to protect themselves for me a-and..."

"What is it you've seen?" Lotor asked titling his head. "What has caused you to feel this way?"

"Have you ever had to watch someone die, and you know their death is on you?" Lance asked slowly curling into himself as his eyes blurred.

"No," Lotor said slowly, "I'm afraid I have not."

"Oh." Lance mumbled his voice sounding thin. "Guess you've got it easy then."

"Easy? Both my parents want to either kill me or turn me into an evil puppet." Lotor sneered.

Lance choked on a half laugh half sob, Lotor looked genuinely concerned about him. "And I was having such a great day with being captured and beat up. " He said shaking his head.

"Lance." Lotor said gently. "I'm sorry."

Lance shook his head again and quickly wiped his eyes. "It's fine, but we should probably find a way out of here."

"That seems to be your speciality."

"Right." Lance mumbled looking up. "How tall are you again?"


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