46: Guns in a sword fight

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"So the Blades?" Lance asked with a frown as he watched the two black holes with worried eyes. "They're the good guys, right?"

"Yeah." Hunk nodded.

"Why do you ask?" Pidge said tilting her head.

"Just seems strange that I haven't heard from them before now." Lance admitted.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard of them." Pidge frowned. "Keith was one before he was introduced to Alfor and then he became the next red paladin."


"Yes." Hunk nodded. "But I don't understand why they're making him go through the trials again."

"What exactly happens in the trials?" Lance asked leaning forwards.

"We don't really know, it's all sort of a mixture of simulations, battles and riddles." Pidge explained. "It's complicated."

"How come Shiro got to go but we didn't?" Lance asked casting his eyes back to the view.

"Because Shiro has met the blades before, they should trust him." Allura said firmly. "Also you're not very good with your first impressions."

Lance's shoulders rose.

He did feel bad about that.

He felt really bad about it.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "I just hate when people assume that everything is perfectly fine."

"Is everything fine?" Hunk asked glancing to him.

"Nothings ever fine." Lance whispered before his gaze locked back onto the screen. "I just hope that these guys keep their word."

"You've been betrayed once before haven't you?"

"Yeah, in the mines." Lance nodded. "The guy stole my dessert."

Pidge and Hunk met gazes and shrugged.

They decided not to press on the matter and continued to monitor the screens.

"Oh dear." Coran said making all attention move to him. "The Galra have found us."

"They what?" Allura said sharply.

"We have to warn Shiro and Keith somehow." Hunk said as he opened the coms.

"Why don't we just go and tell them?" Lance asked tilting his head.

"Because we don't have permission to arrive."


"No, Lance." Allura said holding her hand up to silence him. "We cannot jump into action this time, not with the Blades."

"That's not exactly filling me with confidence princess." Lance admitted but he didn't move.

"I know." She said with a sigh. "Do you think you can keep the Galra busy while we try and contact them?"

"I might need back up." Lance nodded as he moved to where his armour was stored.

"I'll come with you." Hunk said with a smile as he turned to go after Lance. "Pidge has got this."

"I got this." Pidge assured. "Go."


The only problem?

The Galra weren't really interested in fighting them. They were currently on a one way mission for ake down the Blades base.

"Guys I made contact." Pidge said appearing on the screens as Hunk and Lance backed up form an exploding Galran cruiser.

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