Chapter 1: Summoned by a Goddess

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You were heading back home after a long day at work in the Office, organizing papers, taping on the keyboards if front the computer, getting nonstop phone calls, and butt load of paperwork, it may not be the best job you got, but its a job you have, also the pay is good, earning 20 and hour, so...its all good.

Y/N: Ugh, I neck and shoulders feels so sore...and I'm not even that old yet get this sore!

You said to yourself as you continue heading back home, it was getting a bit late on the way back, the sun is already setting down over the horizon and the city lights are starting lit up, you then stop on the crosswalks to wait for the light turn green so you can pass, while waiting; you were having thoughts in your head.

Y/N thoughts: Is this how my life always going to be? Working in tight close space office, typing in front of a computer, staring at a screen until I go blind and dealing with a pile of paper work?

You thought to yourself, you then gave out a loud sigh as the crosswalk light suddenly turn green, before you could start to walk across the road, you thought to yourself again, out loud this time.

Y/N: I wish I lived a more Badass life then this one...

You said to yourself, once you said that you took a step forward on the crosswalk and once you did, your entire body was engulfed by a bright light which caught you offed guard and causes you to panic.

Y/N: Wh-What the hell?!

You exclaimed loudly, moments later your surrounding area is now a cosmic space, no longer you were in the a city, then a female figure appears in front of you as a bright light shines behind her, this female individual is dressed in white, has yellow golden long hair, a pair of white wings on her back, her eyes were both closed but once she opens them, she revealed her two golden eyes.

Nike: Hello Y/N, I am Nike, the Goddess of Victory...

Y/N: Wh-Where am I? How do you know who I am?

Nike: The place where in now is a Cosmic plain between worlds and other realms, I Summoned you here of needing your help, as of how I know you...I've been watching you for awhile...

Y/N: Well that's creepy, you where Stalking me?

Nike: More like trying to know you, what you life has been since birth and what you do for a living....and your life right now is kinda boring...

Y/N: Ge whats this about needing my help?

Nike: *sigh* you the Goddess of Victory, I lead humanity to Victory the from such evils that lurks everywhere and right now...I am losing a fight...

Y/N: .....

Nike then raise her right arm up with her hand open, then small rift open right next to you revealing a World to yours, that is until Mechanical Alien Monsters started wrecking havoc all over the place.

Nike: These Monsters, which the people in this wold calls them Raptures, are hunting down Humanity and exterminating them, if they succeed; Human life on this world will cease to exist...this can not happen, if it does; they will move on to Another World and invade it, exterminating Humanity and claiming the world as there will only be a matter of time until they find your world and invade it...

Y/N: .....

You continue to observe the World where these Raptures are wrecking havoc all over the place, roaming the world while killing every human being they see and it looks like these Alien Monster Machines shows no signs of Mercy towards human life.

Y/N: Why me though? I'm just a Nobody, living a boring life while working in a cramped Office room...

Nike: *sigh* I have sent others before to this World to help me stop these Monsters and lead Humanity to Victory...others that have Experience in Wars, Conflicts, Strategies, and so forth...but they all end up failing, which lead them to there demise...

Y/N: .....

Nike: So now, here we are; asking you, for your help...

Y/N: Even if I wanted to help, what makes you think I have chance against a bunch of Murdering Alien Machines? I'm not Superman for crying out loud...

Nike: That is when I will give you strength to aid you on your journey if you wish to, will you help save this world from Annihilation?

Y/N: .....

There was a brief silence for a moment, you thought to yourself in your head, thinking of how your going to deal with the situation on this other World where these Murdering Alien Machines are roaming the World while killing everyone, you then sigh as you accept to help the Goddess.

Y/N thoughts: To be honest, I was expecting to go to a world with Magic and Elfs...but I guess this will do, at least I won't be bored as hell with stacks of paperwork....

Y/N: Alright I'll help you, as long as you give me something that help me deal with a bunch of Murdering Alien Machines....

Nike: Of course! And thank you for accepting this, it means a then hold still for me please...

Nike then raises both her arms out towards you with both her hands open, bright golden light engulfed your entire both as they seem to infuse into you, you don't feel anything to be honest, but you do see the golden light engulfing inside you, moments later the light started to dye out, you them turn to the Goddess and ask what happens next.

Y/N:, what now?

Nike: Now?

The Goddess then lift her right hand close up to her as she form her fingers into a snapping position, ready to make a snapping sound.

Nike: Now They Will Fear You...

Y/N: ??


Then all of the sudden your entire vision blacked out, the Goddess was no longer in front of you, the Cosmic area around you was also gone, right now; all you see is a black void...until this appeared.

Welcome to the O.P. System


To be continued...

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now