Chapter 24: Pain & Pleasure

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You along side your squadron were still following Mihara and Yuni to find and Capture a special kind of Rapture for Syuen, the Rapture known as Chatterbox is capable of Human Communication and is intelligent, you then remember that Syuen said that Capturing Raptures is to gain the upper hand of technology to fight against the Raptures, right now you and the girls were tailing a trace of Chatterboxs tracks and hoping of finding it.

Y/N: two do this a lot? Tracking down Raptures and Capturing them?

Mihara: Of course, me and Yuni were designed for these kinds of things.

Y/N: "Designed"?

Mihara: Yes, it's not like we had a choice to begin with, after me and Yuni became Nikkes, Syuen made us her personal squad of hunting down Raptures and Capturing them for her and at the end of the day, she puts us in a room until she gave us another assignment to do.

Y/N: .....

After hearing what Mihara said, it sounds like Syuen is just using Mihara and Yuni to go and Capture Raptures for her, of course the moment you meet Syuen you know she was going to be a headache to deal with, not to mention having a bad attitude that can make anyone lose there temper.

Y/N: Sounds like to me Syuen is just using you two to hunt down and capture Raptures, does she not like...I don't know, care about you two? What happens if something bad would happen to you two?

Mihara: Well, simple; she would find other Nikkes to go and capture Raptures for her, Syuen herself doesn't have time to just sit down and be sad if something would have happen to us.

Y/N: The more I hear about this, the more I hate her...

Mihara: Well, you wouldn't be the first to hate her Commander, others also dislike Syuen, the Exotic Squad that looks over inside the Outer Rim, Nikkes that are sent to the Rehabilitation Center, the list goes on.

Y/N: Is there a reason why she acts this way?

Mihara: Who knows, its not like we have the right ask her to begin with, me and Yuni are just two Nikkes that does assignments for Syuen, thats all.

Y/N: ...*sigh*.

You sigh after hearing all of that from Mihara, Rapi, Anis, and Neon were listening in from you and Mihara's conversation, they were also skeptical about the CEO of Missilis themselves and after hearing of what Mihara said, they weren't surprised of how Syuen acts to others.


Moments later, you and the girls suddenly stumble upon a dead end, the tracks that you and the others were following that belonged to Chatterbox has suddenly vanished, the tracks stopped at the end of a wall of an abandoned building.

Mihara: My, it looks like tracks ends here...

Y/N: But how? The tracks leads towards a wall of a building...

Yuni: Mihara look! Up there! On the walls!

Yuni exclaimed as she pointed up to the higher part of the building, you and the others turn your attention towards where Yuni was pointing at, at the higher up on the walls it was the same tracks that you and the girls were following, it looks like it climbed the building walls.

Y/N: Huh, well that explains why, looks like it...walked on the walls?

Rapi: A Rapture that can walk on walls, looks like Syuen wasn't lying when she said this Rapture that we're hunting is intelligent.

Anis: Yea, I've never heard of a Rapture that can climb or walk on walls before, Raptures usually just wreak through things just to get through...

Neon: So...we have to climb on the wall of this building now?

Y/N: Ugh, we don't have any equipment climb a building this tall, were gonna have to go around and hope the tracks lead back down on the ground.

Yuni: Mihara! Mihara! Can Yuni have her reward now? Please! Yuni has been following the tracks this far...

Mihara: My~ aren't you impatient, alright; you can have a small reward, just let me turn my pain sensors up a bit.

Yuni: Yay!

You then witness Mihara and Yuni get close together as Mihara sat down on a bolder while Yuni sit on her lap, you were confused as to what the hell the two are doing, then Yuni took her whip and wrap it around Mihara's body, Yuni then started to tighten the whip as Mihara started to feel the pressure of whip around her body, she then started to moan from it.

Mihara: Ah~ that feels really good~

Yuni: Hehe~ does it hurt Mihara?

Mihara: Y-Yes~ Mmm~ its hurts so good Yuni~

Rapi: ....

Anis: ....

Neon: ....

Y/N: Umm...what the fuck are two doing?

You questioned as Mihara continues to moan in pleasure from the pain that Yuni is giving her from her whip, Yuni tightens the whip around Mihara more as Mihara's moans started to get louder and louder.

Mihara: Aah!~ Yes!~ Harder!~ a little harder!~

Yuni: Hehe~ don't worry Mihara, Yuni will make you feel more pain~

Neon: Umm, Master...what are they doing?

Y/N: I have no idea...

You told Neon as to not sure how to explain to her what Mihara and Yuni are doing towards one another, Yuni continues to tighten the whip around Mihara even more as Mihara herself let out endless moans of pleasure from the pain that she is receiving from Yuni.

Mihara: Ah!~ Yess!~ Harder Yuni!~ Harder!~

Y/N: Okay I had enough of this...

You said out loud as you then summon your four barrel quad super Shotgun in your right hand, you then pointed the gun up in the sky as you then pull the trigger, once you did a loud thunderous sound of all four barrels from your quad super shot gun went off as the loud gunshot echos throughout the distance, this caught every Raptures attention within a mile radius from you as they all were heading towards the direction from the gun shot.

Anis: What the hell you do that for?! Now all of the Raptures within a mile radius is heading this way!

Y/N: Good, because right now I prefer to hear the sound of gun fire then the sound of a girl moaning...

Mihara: My, it looks our moment together is over Yuni...

Yuni: Commander no fair! Yuni and Mihara were enjoying ourselves...

Y/N: Good to know, hope you two had a good time together...

Rapi: Raptures inbound from all sides! Engaging!


To be continued...

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