Chapter 12: Bad at Names

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Andersen and Ingrid were now both in his office, they both stood as they turn there attention towards the holographic screen on his office desk, the holographic screen shows you in the Simulation Room with multiple kinds of weapons floating around in the air surrounding you as they automatically shoot down the simulated Raptures, it only took 5 minutes for you to clear out the simulated Raptures as the weapons the were floating in the air started to dissappear, the video then stops with you just standing there with your hands in your pockets, both Ingrid and Andersen were just left speechless of what they just witnessed on the holographic screen of the Simulation Video.

Ingrid: Andersen...there are no words of how I can describe of what I just saw in front of my own eyes in that Simulation Room earlier...

Andersen: *sigh* this Commander sure knows how to pull off surprises...

Ingrid: Do you know who he is? Or what he is?

Andersen: I'm afraid I don't, information about this Commander has been Redacted and Classified from the Hire ups of Central Government, including basic background information about him such as Date of Birth....

Ingrid: What?! How can this be? Basic information about him is also subjected as Highly Classified?!

Ingrid yelled out, both her and Andersen then started to think of why the Hire Ups in the Central Government keep information about you so highly Classified, even basic information of like Date of Birth has also been Redacted, Andersen then gave out a soft sigh not knowing why the Hire Ups at the Central Government trying to hide you and especially not knowing who or what you are, because as far as he and Ingrid knows, your capable of things that can't be described in any logical way whatsoever.

Andersen: *sigh* we'll focus about the Commander in a later occasion, what about the Nikkes that were with him, how did they do?

Ingrid: They didn't have time to fire their weapons...

Andersen: Oh? Whys that? Did the simulated Raptures took them out before they could react?

Ingrid: No...the Commander finished off all the Simulated Raptures too quickly before they could have a chance to fire...

Andersen: ....

Ingrid: ....

Andersen: *sigh* very well, in that case; assign the Commander and his Nikkes for new assignment on the surface immediately, we need to know full well of what all of them are capable of.

Ingrid: We have plenty of Operations to choose from, take your pick.

Andersen: Whichever is the most difficult will suffice.

Ingrid: In that case...


Moments later, you, Rapi and Anis were now waiting at the elevator entry way, you three were waiting for Ingrid for some new assignment, you sigh in a tiresome tone voice as you just want to sleep after the shit you've been through.

Anis: Ingrid is going to give us a new assignment already?! We just came back from the Surface after a mission and now there sending us back out?!

Y/N: Thats what she told me, we're gonna have to wait for her on what's the assignment is about...*sigh* goddammit I'm fucking tired, I just want some sleep...

You said in an annoying tone with a tired expression on your face, you then rub your eyes to try to make the drowsiness go away, you could almost feel bags forming under your eyes.

Rapi: Well there's nothing we can do about it, after our recent action; rumors started to spread...

Y/N: Rumors? What rumors?

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now