Chapter 33: Revelation

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You stood there still as you focus your attention towards the mysterious unknown female individual right in front of you, the female individual just have out a genuine smile as you got this sense of dread building up, your not sure why but you feel like you've seen her before like she looks familiar to you somehow, you try to shake this unknown feeling away as you then, summon your Double Quad Super Shotgun in your hands as it appeared out of thin air, you then rack the Shotgun as it made a *Tch-cht!* sound and aimed it towards Modernia, Modernia saw this as she was surprisingly to see you do something unheard of before.

Modernia: Wow, you can make weapons appear out of thin air? Thats impressive, lets see how good you are with them...

Y/N: Trust me, I don't need to "Git Gud" in order to use this thing that is going to kill you in one shot...

Modernia: My, aren't you full of confidence; alright then, in that case...

The giant mecha then got closer to you as it hovered forward towards Modernia, Modernia then jump back towards the mecha as she was then inside it, once inside the mecha; all of its weapons started to rile up as they all pointed towards you.

Modernia: Lets see how that confidence of yours will last, try not to die too quickly okay?

Y/N: .....

You heard Modernia said from the giant looking mecha, you stood there still staring straight towards the mecha as it hovered up several feet into the sky, if it was a normal person that is about to face this giant looking mecha, they would be pissing in there pants right about now, but not you; you didn't flinch nor showed any fear, you stood you're ground as you heald your Double Quad Super Shotgun in your hands, ready to fight Modernia and her Giant looking mecha.

Y/N: Alright then, I guess it's a boss fight time...


Meanwhile somewhere else, Rapi, Anis, Neon and now along side the Absolute Squad Eunhwa, Emma, and Vesti, were now on the surface as they all make there way to you, they had to use a different elevator that leads up to the surface but it was located someplace else and right now the six girls are trying to make there way to you to help you fight off the Heretic that showed up.

Rapi: Shifty, give us a safe route leading to the Commander, we can't let any Raptures get in our way.

Shifty: I'm afraid that's close to impossible, no matter which route I choose for you, you'll highly encounter a few forces of Raptures while making your way to the Commander...

Anis: Damnit, we need to get to him quick! His needs our help of dealing with "her".

Neon: Are you sure that Master needs any help at all? He held off and defeated a numerous army of Raptures all by himself, I don't see whats to worry about...

Neon said, considering what Neon and basically everyone else that's inside the Ark, they all have seen what you were capable off, fighting off an endless horde of Raptures for hours and hours isn't an easy thing to do, not to mention it was done by yourself, so Neon doesn't know why Rapi and Anis are worried about you.

Emma: Neon is right, what are you so worried about? Your Commander fought off an endless horde of Raptures for hours by himself, I'm pretty sure dealing with a Heretic won't be a problem for him...

Rapi: Its not that we're worried that the Commander will lose to a Heretic....

Eunhwa: Then what is it then that got you so worried?

Rapi: We're worried that the Commander might find out who that Heretic is, I couldn't tell earlier but...after a closer look through the surveillance drones, I could tell it was her...

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now