Chapter 17: Banished

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Andersen right now is in his office, sitting down on his chair in front of his desk, he was focusing towards to the holographic screen in front of him as he observes the video feed from Shifty that she recorded, Andersen watches the recorded feed of you and your Nikkes encountering another Tyrant Class Rapture, known as Grave Digger, he sees you summon more BFG9000s in the air as they float around and gun down group after group of Raptures, Andersen then sees you pull out some kind of hilt that looks like its from a sword, then the hilt made a red blade of energy of some kind with writings on it, Andersen watches you annihilate the Grave Digger with such ease with a pissed off expression on your face, the recorded video feed ends with you standing on top of the now dead corpse of the Grave Digger with other dead Raptures around you, Andersen sigh as he rub his forehead while leaning back on his chair.

Andersen: *sigh* Shifty....

Shifty: Y-Yes sir...?

Andersen: Please, tell me this is not real....

Shifty: ....its...all real sir, the Commander defeated the Tyrant Class Rapture Grave Digger and the near by Raptures, there encounter with the Raptures caused the Power Station and its Facilities destroyed...the Commander lost one of its Nikkes but the brain is still intact, there all being repaired and going to maintenance as we speak...

Andersen: And what about the Commander? Where is he?

Shifty: His....worried, right now his waiting for his Nikkes to be fully repaired...

Andersen: ....

Andersen then look back towards the holographic screen on his desk once more, he turn his attention towards you, standing on top of the dead corpse of Grave Digger, wielding your Crucible Blade while being surrounded by a bunch now dead Raptures all around you, Andersen was then deep in his thoughts, trying to think who or what are you.

Andersen then look back towards the holographic screen on his desk once more, he turn his attention towards you, standing on top of the dead corpse of Grave Digger, wielding your Crucible Blade while being surrounded by a bunch now dead Raptures a...

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Andersen thought: We've been fighting against the Raptures for God knows how long and we barely made any progress of reclaiming the Surface, so why...why is this person able to fight back against the Raptures like its nothing?

Andersen: Shifty....

Shifty: Yes sir?

Andersen: Call that Commander to my please.

Shifty: R-Right away sir Andersen!

Andersen then ended the communications with Shifty, he then lean back onto his chair, turning his attention again to the holographic screen with you in it, Andersen sigh as he turn off the holographic screen, making it dissappear on his desk.

Andersen: This Commander...his either Mankind's savior...or our destruction...


Moments later, you are now heading back to the Deputy Commander in Chief's Office after getting a call from Shifty to go there, to be honest; you didn't feel like going as you were worried about Rapi and the others after what happened at the Power Station, but Shifty begged you to go, it sounded like she was going to cry if you didn't, so you decided to go.

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