Chapter 56: Redemption

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News Report: Massive damage can be seen all over the Ark as the repairing process has only just started, Central Government Officials say that it'll take at least 6 months for the Ark to fully repair. How all of this happened is still up to discussion. Some witnesses say that a Rapture broken containment and started wrecking havoc. Others say that it was a terrorist attack caused by one individual. The Central Government is at a disarray, figuring out the problems and the future of the Ark. Many communities are in complete shock and despair as many people and families have lost their homes during the chaos-


You sat on the couch as you watched the new on the t.v. in your Command Building, it has been three days since you woken up and found out that you caused on hell of a mess in the Ark all thanks to you not controlling your Rage, the entire Ark is in complete disarray as many people lost there homes. You sat there on the couch thinking about what to do next and how you can fix this problem.

Y/N: *sigh* Christ... how the hell do I fix this?

You asked yourself, right now you were by yourself inside the Command Building as the Outpost is empty, Rapi went to Elysion Tower earlier this morning for maintenance, something about her core having damage so she has to get it checked out. Neon went to look for a new Firearm to see if she could get a stronger weapon. Anis went to the Tetra Line HQ to meet the CEO, something about an important meeting with the CEO and others over there.

Y/N: Welp, looks like I'm by myself today, Andersen said that I have 2 months of Off Duty activities so I can rest up... problem is I can't after what I did...

You said, you then got up from the couch as you started to walk around, thinking of how to fix all of the mess you did, you then brought up a blue holographic screen in front of you as it showed the various skills that you have, went through them one by one to see if you have a skill that can help you solve the mess you made. You then stumbled upon a skill that caught your interest.

[God Gamer]
Weapons, Abilities, Equipments, and Skills from other Video Games are at your disposal.

Y/N: Hmm, this might work... if I remember correctly...

You then stood there thinking for a moment as you try and remember to which video game that you played that is capable of fixing damage infrastructures, then you suddenly remembered which video game that could do that as you then summon a green like crystal in your hands as you examine it closely, it was the Time Stone that you were holding.

Y/N: Well... let's hope this works. To be honest, I'm not sure how the hell I'm supposed to use this... *sigh* heres hoping that I don't fuck this up...


Meanwhile somewhere inside Central Government HQ, Andersen was walking through the corridors of the building with paperwork in his hands, he then arrived at his Office as entered inside. He then sat on his chair behind his desk with the paperwork placed in front of him. The paperwork he has was about you and the incident, Andersen wanted to make sure to keep your name clear that everyone in the Ark didn't know it was you who caused all of the chaos.

Andersen: .... *sigh* I just hope this doesn't happen again...

Shifty: Mr. Andersen!

Shifty then yelled out through the communication system as Andersen was a bit surprised from Shifty's sudden exclamation, Andersen responded back to Shifty as to why she has suddenly called for him in a panic tone voice.

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