Chapter 20: No Rest For The Wicked

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You were peacefully sound asleep in your bedroom of the Command Building, after all the events that has happened to you, I say you've earned a long well rest, so let's recap a bit of what has happened, first; a Goddess that calls herself Nike has summoned you into this parallel version of Earth, where in this world, Humanity is close to extinction from the Alien Murdering Robots known as Raptures, this lead whatever is left of Humanity to hunger down underground, staying in a place called the "Ark", so the Goddess asked you to go to this parallel version of Earth and save it, so; that's what your trying to do right now, although; I'm afraid it isn't that simple to do...



Y/N: ....Marian...?

Right now you were surrounded in a dark black void, you could hear a familiar female voice echoing around you, you examine your surroundings to find where the voice is coming from, but all you could see is the pitch black darkness that surrounds all around you.

Y/N: Marian?!

Rapi: Commander...

Y/N: ?!

You then heard another familiar female voice which was close by to you, you then turn to see where the voice came from and once you did, you see Rapi standing there in front of you with her body while her head is completely missing, Rapi's body then was holding her decapitated head in her hands, the sight of Rapi holding her own decapitated head made you panic in fear as you step back away from her a bit, her lifeless eyes stare at you while you stare back in horror.

Rapi: Commander...

Y/N: R...Rapi?!

Marian: Commander...

Y/N: ?!

Then the other familiar female voice is suddenly heard as it called out from behind you, you then slowly turned around and once you saw who it was, your dread of fear increased, you saw Marian standing there behind you with a large bullet hole right at the center of her forehead, her right eye was missing as blood was leaking out from it, the sight of her made you dread in terror.

Marian: Commander...why didn't you save us?

Rapi: You have the power to easily kill Raptures, but you couldn't protect us...

Y/N: I...I...

Both Rapi and Marian then started walking towards you, Rapi walked to you holding her decapitated head in her hands while Marian approached you leaving a trail of blood behind, you see them both starting to approach you, you tried to move but your body wasn't responding, you felt like you were stuck in place.

Marian: Your so powerful Commander...

Rapi: Yet you failed to protect us...

Y/N: I'm...I'm sorry! Okay! I tried! I really did!

Both Rapi and Marian then got close to you, they both stood there with there attention to you as you look at them in complete horror, witnessing Rapi's body holding her decapitated head and Marian with a large bullet hole on her forehead while leaking blood from there.

Marian: Tried? You didn't try Commander...

Rapi: You just left us to die...

Then all of a sudden, numerous amounts of arms and hands came out from the dark void as they wrap around your body, pulling you into the darkness, this causes you into a panic as you tried to get them off of you while trying to get away, but the numerous arms and hands were just to much for you.

Y/N: No! Let go of me!

Marian: Commander...

You them turn your attention towards Marian and Rapi, this time Anis and Neon were with the two, you saw Anis standing next to Rapi with her head split in two while both of her eye sockets where pitch black and leaking out blood none stop, Neon was standing next to Marian, her body was impaled by her own gun, a stream of blood was dripping out from where her gun impaled her while blood was also dripping out from her mouth, the sudden sight of the girls made you panic in fear and horror while the arms and hands pull you into the dark void.

Girls: You left us all to die...

Y/N: ...Ga...GAAAAAAAH!!

You then jolted up from your bad with your Crucible Blade held on your hand, you then quickly turn and examine your surroundings only to realize you are in your bedroom of the Command Building, you were breathing pretty heavily in a rapid pace while numerous sweat was running down from your face.

Y/N: Hah....a dream....

You said, you stood there on the bed as you try to calm yourself down, you then rub your eyes while wiping the sweat away from your face, you then put away your Crucible Blade as it dissappear in thin air, then a knock can be heard from outside your bedroom door.

Rapi: Commander, it's me; may I come in?

Y/N: ?!

You then heard Rapi's voice outside your bedroom, the door of your bedroom then opened as Rapi walked in, you then immediately turn to her, Rapi then turn her attention towards you, she sees you sitting on your bed, sweating bullets and seeing you look like you were out of breath.

Rapi: Commander? Is everything alright?

Y/N: Uhh...y-yea, everything is alright..

Rapi: ....

Rapi then walked up to you and sit right next to you on the bed, you then try to avert your gaze away from her with a worried expression on your face.

Rapi: It doesn't look like everything is alright...

Y/N: ...I'm sorry, I just woke up from a bad nightmare is all...

Rapi: ....

Rapi then reach out to you with both of her hands, wrapping around your head, she then pull you into her chest, this caught you off guard as you then have a red blush on your face, Rapi then gently rub your head as she keep you in place, you could feel her soft chest squishing onto your face, it felt nice.

Rapi: Commander, whatever it was; you don't have to worry, I'm here for you, okay?

Y/N: Rapi....

You could feel Rapi's hand on your head as she gently rub your head slowly while resting your head onto her chest, you felt a sense of comfort and save from Rapi as she held you close to her, you just wish this moment would last, but sadly it can't.

Rapi: Sorry Commander, but we can't stay like this all day, we have guests downstairs, there important people so we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer...

Y/N: *sigh* okay....can we do this again though?

Rapi: *smiles* of course Commander.

Rapi said as she then let you go, she got up from your bed as she started walking out of your bedroom, before she could leave, she stopped and turned around towards you.

Rapi: You should wash up before you head down Command, we'll be waiting for you...

Rapi said, she then exit your bedroom as she closed your bedroom door, you then sigh as you got up from your bed and walk to your bathroom, you then turn on the bathroom sink and started washing your face, once you did that; you then look towards the mirror in front of you with your face soaked, you then suddenly pull up your kill count of Raptures and the Skill you needed to unlock.

[Goddess Kiss]
Kissing a Nikke will purify them from any Corruption and Control whatsoever.
(WARNING: Skill Locked, 100,000 Rapture Kills required)

[Rapture Kill Count]

Y/N: ....*sigh* Goddammit...


To be continued...

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