Chapter 18: No Man's Land

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Shifty: Just use this elevator and it'll take you towards the Outpost Commander...

Y/N: Thanks Shifty, do you know anything about this "Outpost"? That Andersen is talking about?

Shifty: It was supposedly an expansion of the Ark, a place where the Central Government can gain some access thats closer to the Surface to retrieve some resources, but it was then abandoned due to the Raptures easily accessing the place...

Y/N: So...Raptures are in the Outpost?

Shifty: You may find some Raptures roaming around there, but the Central Government makes sure that no Raptures gets closer to the Ark. Besides, the Ark in general is deeper underground then the Outpost, thats why people call it No Man's Land, Raptures come and go but never gets to close to elevator that leads straight down to the Ark.

Y/N: ....

You were now taking the elevator that leads to the Outpost that Andersen mentioned to you, he sent you to this place so that the Hire Ups at the Central Government can't get eyes on you, although its weird...considering that information about you is highly Redacted and Classified, meaning it wasn't the people of Hire Ups at the Central Government Redacted your background but someone else entirely and you wondered who.

Y/N: Shifty...

Shifty: Yes Commander?

Y/N: Andersen said that sending me to the Outpost is the best course of action so that the Hire Ups at the Central Government can't get eyes on me, so that they don't know what I'm capable off...

Shifty: That is true, your able to just magical make Guns appear right out of thin air and all sorts of stuff, if the Central Government founds out about someone that is capable doing something like that, they would go into panic and think of a way to deal with you...

Y/N: Well...I can't blame them, I am a fucking God of War after all, dealing with me isn't a walk in a park...although there's one thing I don't get...

Shifty: What is it?

Y/N: Who Redacted my Background?

Shifty: ....

When you asked Shifty your question, she was lost in thought, if Andersen doesn't want the Central Government to know who you are or what your capable of, then who Redacted information about you, surely it has to be someone thats Hire Up in the Central Government.

Shifty: Thats...a good question Commander, if Andersen doesn't want the Central Government to know who you are...then who Classified the Information about you, it couldn't have been Mr. Andersen considering you've only met him for a short while...

Y/N: ....

You and Shifty continue to think deeply as to who Redacted information about you, then the Elevator stopped moving as its doors them separated open, you then walked out of the elevator as you examine your surroundings.

Y/N: I guess we'll deal with that later, right now I need to examine this place...

Shifty: Y-Yes Commander, Anis and Neon should be there waiting for you, they just got down with there maintenance...

Y/N: What about Rapi?

Shifty: She's...going to take a bit longer, don't worry; she'll rejoin with you shortly...

Y/N: ....okay, thanks Shifty...

Shifty: No problem Commander, I'll talk to you later.

Shifty said as the communications with her is then disconnected, you stood there still for a bit as you remember carrying Rapi's decapitated head back to the Ark, her lifeless eyes staring at you left you in shock and despair.

Y/N: Rapi...

Anis: Commander!!

Neon: Master!!

Y/N: !

You then heard two familiar female voices throughout the distance, you turn to see who it was as you see Anis and Neon rushing towards you, both of them embraces you into a tight hug which left you speechless from there sudden action.

Y/N: Umm...nice to see you girls too...

Anis: We're just happy to see you...

Neon: Yup, I'm just glad that we're still with you Master!

Y/N: Oh, well I'm glad that- wait, Master?

You then separated the two girls from hugging you as you turn your attention towards Neon, her suddenly calling you Master got you confused as to why she's starting to call you that.

Neon: Up! Master! Since you can make unimaginable weapons with such devastating Firepower, I decided to call you Master!

Y/N: Do you have to call me that?

Neon: Yup! You are a Master of Firepower! So I have to call you that!

Neon said in an exciting tone voice as she smiled at you, you sweat drop Neons explanation as to why she's calling you Master, you turn to Anis as she just shrugged her shoulders.

Y/N: *sigh* whatever floats your boat i guess...

Anis: Aaaanyway, this place is a nightmare...

Y/N: Really?

Anis: Yea, we checked out the dorms that we are suppose to stay in and guess what?

Y/N: Umm, what?

Neon: The place as no running water, and no water means no shower and no functioning toilet! Its a nightmare!

Y/N: I...I see...

Y/N thoughts: Damn, thats gotta suck...

Anis: Well, its not all bad, we get to have complete freedom here, meaning the Central Government don't have authority of this place whatsoever!

Neon: I suppose that's good new, although; i still prefer some running water...

Neon said as both her and Anis complain about this place, if this place has no running water, then you were sure the place you are going to stay will also have no running water.

Y/N: Well...if the place you girls are staying has no running water, I guess the place I'm going to stay also has no running water...

Anis: have your gonna have your own place here?

Y/N: Yea, Shifty said its a Command Post, she didn't tell you girls that?

Anis: ....

Neon: ....


Moments later in the Commanders Building...

Anis: This place has running water?!

Neon: Not to mention this place is bigger then the dorms! No fair Master!

Y/N thoughts: *sigh* women and there needs...


To be continued...

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