Chapter 19: Worth Fighting For

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You, Anis and Neon were now inside the Commanders Building, both Anis and Neon were complaining of why the place your staying has running water not to mention the place is bigger then the dorms that the girls will be staying, you just stood there sweat dropping from the twos rambling.

Anis: This is no not fair, this place has running water and its big enough for me to run laps in it!

Neon: Master...I am very disappointed in you...

Y/N: How the hell is any of this my fault?

You said as you keep hearing the two girls complaining about the place that your staying in is having proper running water and has enough space for you, the girls were right though, this place is big, it's got everything for your personal needs, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, all the things for you to simply go by in life, although you do admit it is a bit...big for one person to stay in, whoever build this place sure wants a lot of space.

Y/N: I'll admit, this place is...big for me...

Anis: Then, how about we trade places? You can have the dorm while we get to have the Command Building?

Y/N: No

Anis: Damnit...

Neon: *sigh* this is so not fair, compared to the dorm, this place is like a luxury, it even has a couch thats big enough to sleep in...

Rapi: Well, the previous Commander did request some of these here...

Y/N: ?!

You and the girls then heard a familiar female voice as you all three turn to see who it was, you saw Rapi standing on the doorway in full view, you examine her closely, she still has her stoic expression on her face just as you remembered and her appearance didn't change at all, she's just as you remember how she looked like before she got decapitated by a Electro Megnetic Projectile from a Rapture back at the Power Station.

Y/N: Rapi...

Anis: Oh, you finished with your maintenance! How you feel?

Rapi: I'm fine...although...

Rapi then covered her nose with one of her hand, you and Anis and Neon were left confused as to why Rapi is suddenly covering her nose with her hand.

Rapi: You two smell...really bad...

Anis: ?!

Neon: ?!

Anis and Neon then look at each other with sudden shock and dread of expression on there faces, they them immediately turn towards you as they both rush up at you, the both of them then asked you a question in perfect sync.

Anis/Neon: Commander! Can we use your shower?!

Y/N: Uhh, sure...knock yourselves out...

You said to the two, once you said that, both Anis and Neon rushed towards your bathroom, once they entered it they immediately close the bathroom door, you then can hear the sound of running water from the shower head as the two of them now were taking a shower.

Y/N: Uhh Rapi? They didn't smell THAT bad...

Rapi: I know...I just, need to talk to you in private...can we go outside?

Y/N: ...sure

You then followed Rapi outside the Commander Building, whatever Rapi needs to talk to you about seems important, she felt a sense of worries and its making her anxious, you were also nervous of what Rapi wants to talk with you about.

Rapi: Commander...what happened to a normal occurrence to us Nikkes, so please; when we die Commander, do not grief for us, a Nikkes death is a Common thing that happens on the surface fighting Raptures...

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now