Chapter 703: Only one answer (1)

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Chaos had descended upon Puzzle City.

"Your highness! The door will not open!"


Alberu rushed past the mages moving back and charged toward the temple door. His arms were up as he slashed down with the white spear in his hands.


There was a loud noise but neither the white spear in Alberu's hand nor the firmly shut temple door had taken any damage.


The mages and healers around him flinched after hearing him swear but they were feeling the same way.

The blue orb above the temple had turned red.

The first party to be dispatched had not come out even after five minutes. At this point, it symbolized that they were unable to come out even if they wanted to do so.

"It's useless."

Alberu raised his head. The gold Dragon was moving its large body as it roamed around the temple.

"The door won't open with magic either."

The Dragon had long since used magic and physical force to open the temple door. Sadly, they were useless.

"...It's not like we can just destroy the temple."

They had no idea what was going on inside the temple so they could not launch strong attacks against the temple.

"But we can't just stand here and wait!"

Sword master Hannah raised her voice with her sword in her hand. She attacked the temple door but could not get it to open.


She looked toward Saint Jack.

"Oppa, can you do something with Divine Power, oppa!"

Hannah rushed toward Jack in shock.



Jack was kneeling on the ground with his hands clasped together. He looked pale while his lips were blue.


Alberu walked up and knelt down on one knee as he made eye contact with Jack. The mysterious change to the temple and Saint Jack's sudden action... They all seemed weird.

"Saint-nim, are you not feeling well?"

The moment Alberu asked Saint Jack...

"Your highness!"

Someone called for Alberu. Alberu was familiar with that voice, but it was a voice he should not be able to hear from here.

Alberu turned his head.

"Please go down! It is currently dangerous here!"

"Only those with permission may come up!"

At the end of the steps leading up to the temple... There were mages stopping people trying to approach the temple.

That person was on their tiptoes while looking past the mages and waving.

"Wait, please! Let me get by! Your highness! It's me, your highness!"

"...You are-"

Alberu urgently headed toward the steps. The mages finally stepped back. Alberu could now see the person who had been hidden.

The person was wearing a loose priest robe. However, the sleeves of this priest robe with no designs on it were shaking.

"You are a priestess of the God of Death?"

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