Chapter 726: Must not be sane (2)

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He came to kill the Hunter observing Kim Rok Soo.

"Who is the Hunter?"

"There are two candidates."

Choi Jung Gun was keeping an eye on two people who were potentially Hunters.

"Going through different dimensions puts a heavy burden on the person. Based on how Hunters have acted in general, one of them should have come here."

"How do they travel through dimensions? You said it is something that is difficult even for the gods."

Choi Jung Gun frowned at Cale's question.

"I don't know."

Choi Jung Gun got up from the bench and started heading toward the building where the event was to take place.

"I learned around last fall that there is a Hunter in this world. The area you live in was the last place I saw their tracks. That's when I figured it out."

His voice sounded dry.

"You are those fuckers' target."

There was something Cale had to ask about this.

"Why me? I'm not a tribulator."

"...I guess I need to explain the situation a bit."

His voice was giving off his years of experience now.

"Two tribulators have traveled through dimensions from Earth until now. I think the Hunters found traces of that."

Two dimension travelers. It must be talking about Choi Jung Gun and Choi Han.

"They then looked for any humans who have been touched by the power of a God and found you. The two dimension travelers were a result of a god's power, so they probably determined that another tribulator would have traces of that god as well."

"I've been touched by a god's power?"

Cale found it to be odd.

'Me? A god's power?'

Why would he live a life like this if he was touched by something like that?


Cale then figured out what that god's power actually was.

'A curse is a god's power as well.'

The White Star was placed under a curse by messing with Dragon Lord Sheritt's two children. That curse made it so that he would reincarnate over and over with his memories without being able to have anything he cherished by his side.

It was a curse the God of Death had created after making a deal with Lord Sheritt. The White Star had done that in order to earn infinite reincarnations.

'My fate was influenced by the White Star.'

A life where he can't cherish anything... That was the life that Cale, no, Kim Rok Soo had lived because of the White Star.

Although it was a curse, Kim Rok Soo's life had been touched by the God of Death's power.


Choi Jung Gun looked up at the air and thought about something before responding.

"The god is currently trying to pull back the power that is influencing you."

"Who is that god?"

Cale asked while feigning ignorance and Choi Jung Gun frowned as he responded.

"The bastard I don't even want to associate with."

"The God of Death?"

"Yes. That god is currently trying to resolve the incident. I hope it goes well."

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