Side Story 4-1: It's snowing? That's right! The flowers are also blooming! (1)

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Malice was the first thing Raon learned about humans.

Evil was a natural existence in humans as Raon noticed for a few years after that.

However, the reason Raon was able to get out of that small and dark cave was because of a human's goodwill or perhaps goodness.

That was the moment when Raon slowly started to realize that humans couldn't be so easily defined.

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Raon had seen the following information while reading a fairy tale called < The First Snow is Soft! > as the kind Rosalyn taught him how to read.

< The little bear looked happy while rolling down the hill which was covered in very soft snow. >

< The little bear's friend, Tiggy, had told him that the large snowflakes that fall from the sky are cold when they touch your skin but that looking at them makes you feel soft and fluffy. >

The world that Raon saw until he was four years old was completely dark. Of course there was food and people who were covered in numerous colors, but the world that Raon saw when he was left alone was dark and black.

< The little bear's eyes opened wide after seeing the completely white world! >

A completely white world...

The little bear in the fairy tale had a big smile on his face while looking at the world covered in white snow.

'Rosalyn! Can I have this?'

'Of course, Raon-nim. You can have it.'

Raon really liked this book for some reason.

Of course, books like 'The Great History of Dragons,' 'The Hero and his Dragon Friend,' 'The History of War,' 'War and Peace,' ''Skills for Fighting,' 'Warrior, His Great Name' were fun and interesting as well, but Raon was oddly drawn to this white picture.

Some time had passed since then and it was now early December.

Raon, who was staying at the residence in one corner of Harris Village, slammed on the table with both front paws.

Bang! Bang!

"That's what the little bear said! To be more specific, the author of this fairy tale said that about snow!"

Hong looked at the white picture in the open < The First Snow is Soft! > and slowly lowered his tail.


Hong peeked at Raon, whose eyes were sparkling from excitement, and mumbled with an expression that seemed to be saying that he could not understand why Raon was like this.

"...I don't like snow because it is cold."

He then peeked at his sister On.

On must not have heard him because he mumbled extremely quietly as she was still focused on the white picture in the fairy tale.

Hong looked at the focused On and pouted.

'The sky is cloudy.'

The snow that he had seen a few times while staying in the Cat Tribe village had been similar to rain that came down from the ash-colored sky.

The snow did not pile up like this picture here. In fact, the ground was stickier than when it rained and the snow quickly became dirty and black.

'...But I did see something similar to this picture before.'

The winter he experienced after running away from the village with his sister but before they arrived at the Henituse territory... That was the one time Hong had seen a completely white world similar to what was drawn in this fairy tale.

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