Chapter 765: It's Karma (4)

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"Cale-nim, is that the problem?"

Cale finally turned his gaze after hearing a low voice. Choi Han was asking with a stiff expression on his face.

Cale moved away and stood up on his own before looking at Choi Han and Mary as he spoke calmly.

"That's the only thing left now."

This was the only thing left.

That comment made Mary subconsciously clench her fists. The end to this extremely long battle seemed to be visible.


Someone let out a short scream before they heard an explosion.

Mary, who was turning her head toward the direction of the noise, saw that Cale was already running past her.

It was at that moment.


A part of the boiling red light, no, the thing that was quite close to being a liquid now, burst up.


It caused an extremely faint gap in the thick layers of barriers made by Rosalyn and the Dragons' manas.


Eruhaben frowned.

'It's too strong!'

Although it was only a portion that had burst up, this red liquid had created a crack in the barriers made with the manas of multiple Dragons.

The Dragons had not let their guards down.

That was how they were able to prevent the red light from falling down on Puzzle City while Cale was trying to Embrace the sealed god.

However, the amount of strength they had used to stop the sticky red light earlier was no longer enough.

"Everybody focus!"

Rosalyn and the Dragons used even more power to recreate their mana barriers and block that gap just as Eruhaben shouted.

Drip, drip.

However, the red liquid that had already seeped out of the gap was falling down.

It was only a small amount.

It was not even enough to fill two hands.


Eruhaben tried to channel even more mana to stop that liquid.

"No, Eruhaben-nim."

He heard a calm voice at that moment.

It was Rosalyn. Her eyes were watching the liquid fall toward the shield cast by the humans. The falling droplets were small in quantity and resembled raindrops.

Because of that...

"We need to see it."

They needed to see the destructive force of this liquid.

They needed to confirm it.

Only then would they be able to predict the destructive force of this ticking time bomb when it explodes.

She saw that Alberu was moving toward the location where the liquid was falling.

The people who had been in the Puzzle City plaza and the streets must have gone into buildings or evacuated, as she could not see them.

This efficiency was because some people had already prepared for such a situation.

"Everybody stop!"

Alberu's shout made the people who were running with him stop.

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