Chapter 733: Pushing forward too rashly (3)

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"Who prepared this?"

Cale responded brightly to Alberu who asked with a stiff expression on his face.

"I did, your highness!"

It was so bright it almost seemed radiant.

Cale continued speaking to Alberu who was unable to understand this situation at all.

"The Chief of Staff left me in charge of this palace, so I plan on working hard to meet his expectations. Your highness."

He then smiled with a clueless look on his face as if he didn't know anything.

The attendants from the king's kitchen seemed to be at a loss for words while looking at that face.

'I like this face too.'

It was a strong weapon that Cale had never considered. This kind of look was useful too.


Alberu scoffed as if he finally understood before laughing as he sat down at the table. He then picked up his fork.


He peeked toward Cale before he started eating and mumbled to himself.

"This is going to make the Chief of Staff go crazy."

He considered a few things in his mind before nonchalantly commenting to Cale while keeping his gaze on the food.

"Do whatever you want."

Alberu didn't specify what this attendant was to do as he pleased. However, he couldn't help but look at the attendant after hearing this response.

"Yes, your highness! I will do my job."

Alberu couldn't tell for a moment whether this punk knew something as he responded or was responding without knowing anything.

He stared at Cale with an odd expression on his face for a while before turning away and quietly mumbling.

"It's been so long since I saw someone doing their job."

"Excuse me?"

Alberu shook his head toward Cale who had not heard what he just mumbled. He had not said it for Cale to hear.

"It's nothing."

Cale started speaking again at that moment. He spoke quickly, as if something suddenly came to his mind.

"Ah, your royal highness." (TL: So, Korean has different ways you can address royalty and it hasn't made a difference in the novel until now, but it does right here, so that's why it is royal highness here versus highness for Alberu everywhere else)

The atmosphere sank at that moment.

It was the middle of spring. However, an extremely scary silence descended upon this warm room and made it feel quite cold.

Your royal highness.

That was a title only for the crown prince.

Although it might be different externally, there was nobody internally in the palace who called Alberu his royal highness.

The silence was broken.

"Ah, your highness."

The attendant called Alberu properly, as if he had done nothing weird.

Alberu's eyes clouded over at that moment.

'It wasn't a mistake.'

The attendant in front of Alberu was currently looking directly at him.

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