Chapter Twenty-Two

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The week progressed it's self and suddenly it's Friday, Halloween. I'm lucky Ember hasn't made me wear a costume to school.

So instead I put on a black button up with long sleeves, black ripped jeans, a black jacket, and a black Bennie. Basically my work outfit.

Ember is going to give me a whole speech about my pants in 40 degree weather, oh well.

I took the last sip of my coffee then sat the cup in the sink and grabbed my keys along with my bag. "Time to go." I said to myself. I walked out of the door making sure to lock it then to my car I went.

Why did I not park in the garage last night? We may never know. I was just being lazy.

Soon enough I arived at the school and saw Miss Cameron getting out of her car as well.

"Hi, Miss Cameron." I said and she looked at me, smiling.

"Good morning Carter. Also happy Halloween." We closed our doors simultaneously.

"Yep, happy Halloween." I said back. Then we walked side-by-side. We didn't say anything but my gaze was manly on her, she was looking ahead.

When we got to Embers locker we parted ways. "Carter! Hiya bitch." I heard just as Miss Cameron left.

I turned around and was met with Ember, as suspected.

"What's the plan for tonight? I assume you have something in mind." I asked her, she always has something to do for a holiday with me.

She vigorously nodded her head as she slammed her locker and looked at me. "So we are gonna meet at yours at five fourty five, then get changed. After that it'll me about six and that's when we go out trick-or-treating. And we'll come back around nine so we'll watch movies and go through our candy."

I didn't go trick-or-treating since I was fifteen, my parents forced me to stay in. Now it's alright, I just don't want so much candy.

"That sounds good. Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yes! I love dressing up and scaring little kids." That's her favorite part, especially because she can do face makeup very well.

"What are you being this year?"

"It's a secret." She wisperd then walked away.

I sighed but walked to my class. I guess I'll see later.


"Have you seen Ember, Carter?" Mrs Valery came up and asked me. Ember isn't here in the class and I don't know why, she never skips so it's weird.

"Well I saw her before classes this morning, not since then though."

She thanked me then left back to her desk. I pulled out my phone and texted Ember asking where she was.

Shortly she responded and I was relieved she was alright.

My mom wanted to hang out and do stuff today so we're doing that because she was off and we haven't done it in a while.

I'll still be available for tonight!!!!!

She sent the second one not moments later. I smiled at her goofy-ness then shut my phone off.

Time for a boring class but at least she's having fun that's what matters. I can just, read? I guess it's my only option. I sighed but grabbed my book and started to read.

"That's is for today. You all can leave as soon as the bell rings. Have a nice day." Mrs Valery announced and I immediately packed up. I loved her class in all but I was to see someone in particular.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now