Chapter Forty-Five

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The last week of school is near. Just two more weeks. Then just a little long and Alex and I can be free.

I still haven't fully recovered since Christmas. I still can't have anyone else touch me. And I do feel sorry. I just can't handle it. At least my parents are out of the picture. Well I have nightmares every night I'm not with Alex, even sometimes when I'm with her.

I'm just sitting in the parking lot waiting to go into school. Boring, yes. But what else to do. I just staring off at the sky. I'm to lazy to get something out of my bag. So it's kinda my only option.

I left this morning with Alex. So I woke up extra early to eat breakfast with her. She made me eat instead of just my usual coffee.

I looked around once more before deciding it's time to go inside. I have no way to tell the time, I put my phone in my bag and my keys so my car is off. It's getting hot in this thing anyway. Probably doesn't help with me wearing long sleeves.

I grabbed my bag and made my way inside, them to Embers locker. She should be here soon.

"Carter!" I heard her yell. Just in time.

"Ember!" I yelled back. She is so enthusiastic in the morning for not being a morning person.

"Only two more weeks then I can sleep however long I want." She opened her locker and did whatever.

That and you can spend more time with Stephanie. But yes sleep, for her at least.

"No, that means summer." She whined. "I hate the heat."

"You an me both." I agreed with her. Just as I was going to speak the bell rang, "how the hell do you manage to get her progressively later each day?"

"I want my sleep. You know how you start waking up at school time the week before school," nope, "I'm getting ready for summer slumber."

"You sound crazy." She just shrugged. "Adios." I waved then walked to class. Gotta love your best friend. Even if she's annoying at times.


"Can you just calm down?' I asked Ember. She's talking my ear off in English. I don't even know half the stuff she's saying.

"No. As I was saying, wanna hang out Friday? Oh! We could drag Stephanie and.. you know who along."

"How about no." She's going to make me anyway. It's just my response now. Oh God she's getting a pen and paper out. Bell please save me. Oh wait I still have a good fifteen minutes, since we both finished our essay's already. I did write mine on phycological and emotional abuse.

"How does trivia sound. We could invite Daniella!" She's already writing it.

"Then we can all do some other games. Like twister." I may as well go along with it now.

"Perfect! Any snacks?" She asked.

"I'm sure we could do some chips and sodas, you can decide the others. Also you pay!"

"I already predicted that." She rolled her eyes.

"Meh meh mehh meh." Now the bell goes off! Just when I was having fun I'm this conversation!

I grabbed my bag and ran for it. Hopefully I'm fats enough.

"Carter, what are you doing! That was fun." I heard Ember yell from the classroom.

"Absolutely, it was. Just not fun enough." I mumbled the last part. I don't want to get dragged into the black hole of deciding the schedule and snacks, I actually hate planning stuff. And once we finish that conversation I'll be pulled into a even longer one about something. I love her and all, she is the one that has the attention span for that, not me.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now