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Chapter 879: 879

Originally Lindel was a city known to have been founded by summoned people from South Korea.

Unlike Dawan, which is facing the Republic, and Celia, which is somewhat far from the center, it was a city that many people used as a beachhead in its relatively close proximity to the capital, but made much more progress than many expected.

Lindell has been known since the rise of the Blue Guild. The guild's power grows and the merchant guild naturally wants a quest. The guild started to develop noticeably with enormous funding.

It's not surprising that most of the warp points across the continent were centered around Lindell, so it should be a gathering of gold.

The great temple for the god of sacrifice and resurrection still stands, and the Legendary Dragon Diarugia  was once known as the iconic tourist destination.

If you think about it, redevelopment was not an option, but a must.

It was nine months ago that the new urban planning took off to become the most beloved city on the continent.

'Besides... '

"That's not the end. "

It's not just the nests of the Three Guilds and Diarugia that are famous.

'Foods too.'

It's understandable that commercial rights have developed naturally since people started to gather.

With redevelopment, huge shopping centers and restaurants have begun to come in, from famous restaurants across the continent to hidden and hidden restaurants... even street food is of good quality.

Word on the street is that the Blue Guild Master has taken quite a lot of effort to attract the merchandise, and rumor has it that the Sunset Swordsman is quite a gourmet.

When I see restaurants, shopping centers, and Samsamoan people living in the plaza, I smile without knowing it.

Adventurer's Plaza is not far away, but this way is definitely more affectionate.

'Shall I go for Mirror Salmon?'

Mirror Salmon, known for its successful cultivation by the Blue Guild Master, has become a landmark of Lindell, not a spectacle of Mirror Lake.

'No, I think I'll be frustrated if I eat too much. '

I'm glad I didn't vomit out what I ate in front of the Honorary Cardinal. Sweet smells spreading from place to place.

'Rainbow cotton candy. '

That's a good thing too.

Did I mention that he enjoy it too?

I saw him eating cotton candy in four Benegors, and it was a topic.

On the other hand, I see promotional phrases written near the store. "The flavor acknowledged by His Holiness," or "Feel the seven flavors."

Even the goddess's mirror is showing footage of the Honorable Cardinal in person.

– How are you feeling, Ki-young?

– I'm fine.

– I'm glad.

– But why today...

– I heard Ki-young's favorite statue is in the auction house. Let's go there.

It doesn't matter how delicious that cotton candy is. You can tell by just looking at the crowds already.

Once again,I felt some familiar eyes staring at me as I led my body.

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