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You reap what you sow (8)

"What do you mean?"

"You need to move right now. This is an order from above."

"Isn't it necessary to explain the circumstances?"

"It's hard to explain. Anyway, you have to move right away, no, in four minutes."

"damn. what does that mean?"

I know it's difficult to understand. Those who are called the so-called combat occupations are not the reason they can understand.

Even I, who participated in the expedition as a field commander, had a hard time understanding the order, so would they.

"If you're here with the title of field commander... shouldn't you be aware of what's going on?"

"sorry. but... ... ."

As always, there will inevitably be friction.

Usually, this was a common occurrence both inside and outside the dungeon.

The need for field commanders emerged and clans and guilds also recruited so-called administrative positions like a fashion, but it was still difficult to change the general style of most adventurers.

This is because everyone jumped into the recruiting war too hastily in a situation where combatants were not yet ready.

Like the side effects of rapid economic development in developing countries, the existence and appointment of field commanders also had many side effects.

The combatants basically did not trust the field commanders, thought that their methods were always right, and evaluated the commanders as idiots without proper hunting or war experience.

Field commanders were also not very friendly to adventurers. From our point of view, they were a troublemaker.

Although it was an expression of inferiority for not being treated as a major job, it is also an undeniable fact that the absurd idea of ​​the chosen people exists.

It was said that one of the incidents that occurred in dungeons, hunting clans, and guilds was conflict with the commander.

In fact, even in adventure magazines and media, cases where commanders gave wrong instructions and party members were wiped out, or cases where party members did not cooperate with the commander and accidents occurred, were hot potatoes that those who entered the industry were interested in.

'But now... .?

"This is an order from above. Honestly, I'm fine... I will try to contact you again now."

- No need to know why. Commands are to be executed. 4 minutes before the start of the operation.


Hurry up and leave a message on the communication channel. Perhaps the situation in other units is not different.

- No need to know why. 3 minutes and 55 seconds before the start of the operation.

He is a first-class commander. A first-class commander with access to almost all operations, a first-class commander with limited access to information accessible to the military and honorary cardinals of the Republic.

In the first place, I made the decision to participate in this expedition under such conditions.

-Operational information access authorization requests. 1st class field commander, code name Genius.

To be honest, I don't need to know why. If an order was given from above, it was our duty to follow it. but... ... .

'I need to know the details of the operation.'

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