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Returner User Manual Chapter 891

vacation (9)

'What kind of crazy bastard burns a million gold on a slave?'

Everyone's faces looking at him were full of surprise and puzzlement.

When a real idiot appears next to me, I'm bound to come back to my senses, and that's what the expressions on the faces of those in the market looking at them blankly were like.

The auction continued as if it had been controlled by something from the beginning, and even 100,000 gold could not be considered an appropriate price in the first place.

Even though supply became difficult due to the slave trade ban, the price was the price range.

With just 100,000 gold, a novice adventurer party can purchase equipment that will advance them to intermediate level. No, there is more than enough to buy.

In the meantime, 1 million gold, which was even more unrealistic, appeared, so it might be worth it, right?

'The other bastards were all fake madness.'

It was a bit surprising that Jincheong could move such funds, but if you think about it, it is not strange. Because he was a symbol of the republic and like me, he was doing a lot of different things.

He must have realized that no one will follow him in the race anymore, so he is showing his arrogant face once again.

I don't know if he realizes that he looks like a crazy person who burned a million gold on a slave.

It's not something you can do in your right mind with abusive language.

"crazy... ."

"The camp of the republic. "Maybe you were more lecherous than I thought."

It's been a long time since I heard the word horny. right. What year were you born?

"In the end, it seems like he has no choice. They pretend to be clean and that they are different from others. "Aren't people like that even dirtier and uglier on the inside?"

yes. Lady Sarubia. I think you're right.

"A shadow hero, a symbol of the republic, being swayed by ugly desires... ."

I see some people already changing their stance. You were screaming at the top of your lungs just a moment ago. I guess you're jealous.

Given this situation, wouldn't Jincheong, who paid 1 million gold, be the only one in trouble?

Of course, if you want to become a member of the black market, maintaining security is essential.

It's unlikely that today's transaction will become known to the general public, but you never know.

The fact that Jincheong, the shadow hero and symbol of the Republic, purchased a slave for 1 million gold on the black market must be good news.

If you take just a little bit of action, it will be no problem to end this asshole's image.

I don't know if it's other guys, but I might be able to do that much.

"yes. Customer number 101 won 1 million gold... to... yes... If you don't have more, we'll proceed as is. Successful bid. Successful bid. Successful bid."

I could see him quietly getting up.

His expression was a little grim, perhaps because he knew he was getting caught up in an irritating situation, but he seemed to know that it would be uglier to cancel a concept halfway through.

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