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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1028

tidying up (11)

Of course, even before that, it wasn't like he had nothing to lose.

Since he pretends to be the lord of a small town, he may think that he has had enough by the standard of an ordinary adventurer, but value is always relative.

While there are people who are satisfied with what they have, there are also people who are not satisfied. Maybe the inclination...

'Are you a cautious revolutionary? maybe.'

Status windows don't lie.

Unlike Seon Hee-young's ideal volunteer and good-will mediator Kim Hyeon-seong, that kind of good and evil is not clear. The dictionary definition of revolution is breaking down social or economic systems, existing values ​​or customs, but with just that, how can we assert that he is on the side of the light?

There is no law that existing institutions and customs are always bad. There is no law saying that the revolution is necessarily in the right direction, or that it will be just. There are many cases of lifting the flag for great value, but there were also cases where some started from 'Oh, this looks like a beggar'. Of course, in Squiart's case, it would be the latter. It is highly likely that the guy's revolution started because he was not satisfied with his current life. He had a great cause, but what he wants to change is not the existing values, but the environment around him. An environment in which they are trapped in the outskirts of the continent and are pushed into the struggle for hegemony on the continent, an environment in which all attention and focus is focused on the honorary cardinal and the church,

The regret of all the institutions and ideologies that made the present continent run was the trigger for the cautious revolutionary to start taking careless actions.

"Wait, honorary cardinal."

Nervousness dwells in the expression of the guy who dared to hold on to this side going outside.

Before I knew it, I saw the face of a guy with the eyes of a man with a lot to lose.

It felt like he hadn't been driven to the edge of a cliff yet, but it was an undeniable fact that he was at least afraid.

"I believe in Squiart."


"There are many things I want to take care of and support in many ways, but... It's a reality that can't help but need performance. Not only is there no justification for me to hand out items to all of you... Even if you support... Unofficial support won't help you in the end... ."

"yes... I understand. But if you give me a little more time."

"Above all, we know that an adventurer's growth is not limited to items. It might sound like a funny word to me who had to give up the adventurer's path... From my point of view, watching them... Rather than obsessing over the immediate results, step by step... yes... It felt more important to take each step with certainty."

"It won't be long. Honorary Cardinal. so... ."

"sigh... I'm not stupid. Mr. Squiart."


I have to speak calmly.

I didn't say it coldly, but I didn't say it in the tone of knowing you were cheating on me. It is fitting that he said it somewhat insensitively without any meaning.

After that, quietly smile. Perhaps there is good will in their eyes. The saint of sacrifice and resurrection must love everyone on the continent.

was born with destiny. Squiart was a bad kid, but I can't help but love him even if he was.

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