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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1025

tidying up (8)

"I can, but why..."

"It's not good to have a hard atmosphere. In many ways... Maybe this will make the conversation a little easier. You don't have to be bound by various formats... ."


"I think a seat in a more relaxed atmosphere would be better than a seat that is an extension of the meeting."

"okay. Thank you for your consideration."

Because words are different and different laws.

Rather than the Confederacy's Squiart meeting alone with the Honorary Cardinal and discussing various things about the post-processing of the expedition, the two of them played chess together for a short time.

It would be more comfortable to be known to have had a good conversation.

It would be correct to say that the degree of attention goes down somewhat. The same goes for the media, and it is the same for the guild members of the Blue Guild.

'I prefer an informal seat.'

You don't even have to leave a meeting log. In the first place, that's what he wanted, so he'd rather think it's good. 'I already have a few eyes attached, but what?'

Although the conference room after the meeting was cluttered with people trying to get Congo water in the federation that won the lottery, there was no one who did not see Squiart approaching me. It was an unrestrained atmosphere.

Well, if it was like a tea party, I might try sneaking in, but since I heard that they wanted to play chess in the first place, there was no reason to intervene. You must not know that the honorary cardinal is trying to be considerate of the Confederacy's squiret. It was natural to judge that interfering was rude.

Another goby from the federation is trying to piss off the honorary cardinal. He must be thinking the same thing and raising his hostility toward gobies.

"Everyone has worked hard."

"yes. Would it be alright to visit you personally next time? Honorary Cardinal."

"Sure. We welcome you anytime. Let's drink tea together and have a good time. ah! Rather, it would be nice to invite you to a tea party that will be held soon."

"ha ha ha. Are you sure? To be invited to the honorary cardinal's tea party... I'm already looking forward to it. It will be a family honor."

"I guess I should have invited you a little earlier."

"Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm glad I was invited, even if it was belatedly. My daughters will be very happy. they're  about to debut in the social world sooner or later... ."

"it's just a humble tea party..."

"It's worth it! You can already see the picture of the children's mouths tearing up."

"ha ha ha."

In the meantime, it is natural to exchange good stories and say goodbye to those who are just leaving their seats.

"Thank you very much for today."

"On the contrary, I want to be more grateful. Honorary Cardinal. To the warm heart of the honorary cardinal who sincerely cares for the continent... you don't know how thrilled I was."

Just throw out words you don't even mean.

"Ah. Jin Qing!"

"Honorary Cardinal."

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