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Chapter 945: 945

It was the courthouse of the Church, a place more pure and true than anything else, and in this sacred courthouse of bloodshed by the people of the Church, he was using witnesses to lie.

It shouldn't be too hard to be angry. The word "political party" is very far away.

How can I not be angry that the unclean beast of the Republic is using the courthouse as a means to bite the enemy?

'You cowardly, cowardly bastard. '

Of course he was staring at him. He didn't even feel remorse.

There's no change in his face. I just dared to nod at the witness's voice.

T r ansl ated by Jp mtl .c om The sound of prayer surrounding the area began to fill the court.

"Benigore.... "

"Son of light.... "

The witness, of course, may be a face I've never seen, and of course, I don't remember.

We may have run into each other at the inn since we entered the Republic. No, we may have met once.

'There's no way I'm working. '

I don't know how many days I stayed, but I'm sure he was at the inn...

'Cause that would be on the record. The alibi will be perfectly consistent.'

"That really sounded painful. The sound that seemed to endure a painful scream did not fade over time. I heard a shout like a murmur, and then I heard one more big scream. I heard the sound of the town yelling if I had closed my mouth with my hands or my gag, and then it was quiet. After a short while, I heard a constant knocking. I didn't hear any screams. I think he must have c-fainted. "

"Objection. The witness is talking about his thoughts. The jury is shaking with speculative remarks. "

"I'll keep listening. Witness, was it just that one time? "

"I don't remember the details, but I remember being there day and night. "

"Why didn't you contact the vigilantes? "

"Because I was scared. I'm an ordinary merchant. I was afraid of retaliation, and I was afraid of being caught up in something scary. Th-that's why I masturbated. I never imagined that would happen. No excuses. "

'Very well prepared. '

"Have you ever seen the two escaping the room? "

"I remember most of the time I spent in the room. He sometimes came down to the restaurant to eat... but it was hard to recognize because he was pressing down on his mofo. "

"There is insufficient evidence to support the witness's testimony. Just staying at the same inn is not enough. "

"I swear to God, I never gave a false testimony. The man in mofo was groaning as if his legs were uncomfortable! I didn't know he was the Honorary Cardinal, but I do now. When you were eating, you often dropped your spoon as if it was uncomfortable, and you didn't eat it properly. "

"Objection! "

Our team of lawyers continue to dispute, but the blink of an eye catches my attention.

'I'm going to submit evidence. '

Of course, the evidence will also be submitted.

Bad sincerity stood quietly and opened its mouth.

"I will provide you with a list of the inn's accommodations and a visual bead from the restaurant at that time. "

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