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You reap what you sow (7)


'Shit shit.'


I had no choice but to decide that turning around immediately was the wise choice. Anyone who sees something like this is sure to think the same as this.

 It does not exist.

"D... Drak'Taris too..."

-Protect the priest of prophecy... .

Quad de de de deuk!

With one gesture, everything in front of me is swept away in an instant.

Just like destroying a sandcastle with your hands, the place where that disgusting monster's hand touches disappears without leaving any shape.

The deafening roar is heard continuously, and the horrifying voice that seems to paralyze the body makes one stop one's feet. Remnants of violence are blown along with the wind that seems to blow away the body as if a huge storm is coming. Park Deok-gu raised his shield to prepare for the aftermath, but even that guy was pushed back and rolled on the ground. More than half of Drak'Taris Priests were swept away by his blow, a blow that wouldn't have been strange if it hadn't been for the ghosts, even if most of them were injured.

 'Should it have been placed in the rear?'

It was a blow that had no choice but to be gut-wrenching. It was not a force to be lost here in vain.

Shit. Those priests... .

'I can't lose more.'



Even in worrying situations, the head somehow finds a way to solve it.

Its purpose is not ghosts.

It's pretty obvious what he wants, given that he's still crushing the corpse of a templar spider that ended his life in an absurd way.

It must be a feather hidden in the treasure house.

Let's pass the feather to Raphael, who quickly passes by Cha Hee-ra with his gray wings spread..

"Raphael... I will trust Raphael"

The boy's voice was heard immediately.

The guy who hesitated for a moment nodded with a bright smile.

"y... yes I will not disappoint you."

"01... 12..."

Of course, you shouldn't forget to hand over something you can rely on along with the feather. It was a mission that could lead to death if you made a mistake, so take heart.

You need a place to put it.

When I am crushed like a bug, I want to give a sense of accomplishment that I have accomplished something even if I am crushed.

What was handed over along with the feather was a small rosario that was in the pocket.

In the eyes of the guy who accepted it in awe, there was a will to complete this mission even at the cost of his own life.

"I'll give my life....if I have to..."

"You don't have to die, but I like that spirit.'

Raphael's mission is obvious.

He himself knows what he must do.


As expected, Raphael's party members caught him in surprise.

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