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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 973

Altanus (10)

"Then I'll know that you accepted it. Maetel Guardian."

'He's out of his mind.'



"Once the ball is the foundation of the program I will try to summarize the expressions and let you know. As I said before, it won't take long to learn. I don't think I will have much time to spend with Guardian Maetel."

"Huh? Like that... How can I do this alone..."

"I think my role is to lay the groundwork."

"Didn't you say you would definitely share a story with me?"

"I meant to give you the overall direction, but I didn't mean to stick with you from one to ten. I didn't say that. peel. I have work to do here too. When I asked Maetel Guardian to be my hands and feet, I didn't just say it."



"I... what exactly do I have to do?."

There is a lot to do. Representatively, it is the work of connecting this side with the network she has, the work of submitting a report explaining the relationship between groups, and the work of exploring the underground vault on behalf of this side.

'I'm running out of time.'

At first, I was worried about spending too much time here. But now, as I do a lot of things, the limited time comes to me as a concern.

There are literally too many things to do. Information about the dungeon had to be continuously passed on to the future.

We had to proceed with the work of sanctifying Benigore.

Of course, we need to find a way to weaken the power of the Templars, as well as lay the groundwork to take control of the social church and bring down Saint Althanus to the bottom.

In addition, the education of the rift guardian fell as a mission, so even ten bodies were not enough.

Of course, the foundation to bring Saint Althanus to the ground was already in place. Some awakened priests, including Archbishop Drak'Taris, were already making moves.

As long as you throw a stone into the pond, the ripples will spread to the end of the pond.

After the social church is over, these guys will come up with some countermeasures.

'For now, we only need to ruin the relationship between the Templars and Archbishop Drak'Taris.

This too is in progress.

No, even if I don't proceed, there is a high probability that they will play drums and janggu with each other.

Just by looking at Drak'Taris' attempt to snatch Templar Jenny, you can figure out that he's looking at the Templars with an unkind eye.

Circumstances, it didn't seem like a coup d'état had occurred, but it was an undeniable fact that he maintained a subtle power structure within the underground temple.

This fact is also very evident in this social church.

'Is something wrong? Am I missing something?'

There are several disturbing factors. Day

'It's strange that I haven't been able to complete the Draktalis raid until now.'

Anxiety that I might be giving Draktaris more power than necessary.

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