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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1029

tidying up (12)

'okay. You have to show how hard you work!! That's how I get a little bit stronger, right?'

"sorry. I didn't expect you to visit me so suddenly... In this humble place... ."

"What shabby place. Where is this shabby place?"

"If I had known you would come, a little more..."

"Don't talk like that. Gregory. I'm happy enough just you welcoming me like this. Rather, I wonder if my visit was rude."

"Absolutely not! never! You don't know how happy I am. I think it will be a big help to everyone."



"By the way, how long do we stand like this?"

I could see that he was visibly flustered when he playfully continued talking as if he was wondering if it would be better to stop moving now.

"I'll take you inside... once... for now."


Of course, I could quickly figure out why he had stopped me here.

'there are no place to sit.'

There is probably a shelter used by workers, but there is no room to welcome such a sudden visitor.

It was 3 days ago when cleanup began in earnest, and if even the guild master was mobilized for the task, there was no way they could afford to set up a VIP room.

'In the first place, what's the need for a VIP room in a dungeon?'

The evils of the federation will be reluctant to come here in the first place, and those who decide to work hard are put into work

there is a situation I don't know if there is a political intention hidden in the current situation where Gregory and other powerful people are eating together with the workers.

but... Looking at the organized camp, it seems that there is no political intention.

'It's just poor.'

There is no way to make a proper camp because there is not enough time, manpower, and material resources.

I don't know if it was to start work as quickly as possible, but it seemed that they hadn't even made a proper resting place or accommodation yet.

I could see restaurants and lodgings used by workers, but they were barely in the shape of tents.

The smell of filth was pouring out of what was presumed to be a bathroom, probably because the wizards didn't have time to cast ventilation or clean magic.

'Still, there are lodgings exclusively for executives.'

He probably thought that there was nowhere else to go but here. For places such as restaurants and shelters used by workers, the situation must have been so serious that it could not be put into words.

The guy who was talking to me as if trying to pass the time as long as possible, and sure enough, I could see several young guys escaping from the executive quarters. The sight of hurriedly tidying up the inside of the dorm and coming out is clearly visible.

"who... It's shabby but... "

"It's not that shabby, is it?"

'no. It's shabby.'

All the garbage has been removed, but the cleanup cannot be completed so quickly.

It's even funnier that a plausible table is covered with a white cloth. The place where the bedding should be was awkwardly covered, and it is ridiculous that the potted plant is placed out of nowhere.

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