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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1033

tidying up (16)

"just now."


"I'm talking about that mistake earlier. What was your intention?"

"No, what intention? As people live, it's possible to break a glass and eat. It's just that my hand slipped. Is there even a law that says that saints in religious countries shouldn't make mistakes at the table?"

"It's not necessarily like that, but since it's you, it's unnatural..."


" it's nothing, let's move on."



"it's not that I'm sorry. Was that cup expensive? Or the Republic, Were you annoyed at the place where the top heads were sitting together?, Does it affect your reputation if the inviter breaks a glass? Worries Do not do that. Because that level is over now. At the time of the meal that was already over He's still trying to bite me with such a terrible happening."

"I am not saying that. stupid guy."


"Anyway, I'm glad it's not a big deal. Don't mind what I just said. I seem to be worrying for nothing."

"It's up to you. very. What was your intention just now? Don't worry about it now."



"hmm... hmm... Anyway, the Republic has become much better to live in."


"The Republic is also really good to live in. There were a lot of strange people here before the military came out. But since the military commander is in place, I don't have to worry too much about it, so it's nice. I have a feeling that everything is working properly. I can't see anyone to get rid of, and the rules and order are in place. How good is it? Because the military commander is firmly seated. By-self. Everything is working fine."

"In fact, even within the Republic, public opinion is not very good."

'I roughly expected it.'

Why was there that weird guy the other day? A young guy hanging out with the supernova gang.

"There are many people who question whether the investments made by the Republic and the Reformation are pouring water into a bottomless pot. There are people who are openly raising questions about Republic policy."

"It sounds plausible."

"Even if it is the Kingdom Federation, the Federation has long since lost its function as a state. Except for some large cities and small towns, it has been ruined to the point where the word lawless world fits well. In particular, after the black market was strictly regulated under the Continental Law, it was said that the transaction in the back side was also completely cut off. It's not for nothing that the mercenary industry is prevalent in the federation. Rotten land cannot be restored, so you can't even farm... The reality is that corrupt bureaucrats are only busy taking care of themselves."


"No one wants to rebuild the Federation. It is because there is already a law of its own in place."


"Of course, this will be a great opportunity, but I'm not really in favor. New wine must be put in new wineskins."

"Didn't the Republic side just leave it alone? He said that new wine must be put in new wineskins. Words and actions are different."

"A republic and a federation are different. I'm just leaving them alone. Dogs that don't even bark. What do you need to put your hands on? It can be used for the purpose of keeping the central government in check, so I'm rather grateful."

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