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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1034

tidying up (17)

-affection... I really don't know what you're talking about... Are you really the honorary cardinal?

- who would I be?


-Because you will do everything I tell you to do. This is like my world, and that's just how it was. Because you believe in your small talent and show it off. Are you excited? You seemed to have everything, huh? but maybe good It's our squirt. I think you crossed the line this time.


-Why weren't you careful this time?


-How come you are not be careful this time? If you had been careful as usual, this wouldn't have happened. it is not so?


- I'm not doing this because I want to be like this. I wanted to remain a saint all the time, but why didn't you understand my heart, so I tried to avoid doing this right now... . I wanted to remain as a small honorary cardinal for the continental people and adventurers, but I wanted to become a precious honorary cardinal for the continental people... why don't you know

'What the hell is this...'

- I'm going now.

'How did this happen?'

- I'm going now. to break your bones. So wait quietly. 

'Is this....really the honorary cardinal?'

-What do you have to say? I'm not going to listen anyway, but if there's something you want to say, try it. In some cases, there is room for extenuating circumstances. It was as if the accident had been paralyzed by the suddenness of the situation. actually for a while

I couldn't think of anything, so what more do I need to say?

The voice is that of the honorary cardinal that I know of. As usual, a voice resounding soft and noble enough to be called a saint, but a harsh tone never heard on the market floor continues to ring in my ears.

I can't even understand what he's saying because the vulgar curses that I hear only in the back alley keep coming from the hand mirror.

Irritated, smirking, and sometimes hysterically screaming makes me question whether I'm wrong.

I couldn't think of anything normal in this situation.

My first thought was that someone was impersonating the honorary cardinal. Or that someone might be playing a prank.

There was no way the communication channel to the honorary cardinal could have gone wrong, but what if thats the case. Could it be that someone broke into this communication channel? Might there be such a case?

I thought there might be a technical error in the hand mirror of the goddess, so what more do I need to say.

'What the hell is this...'

-I am the Squiart of the Commonwealth. I don't know who you are... .

-Release is the Mosquiart of the Federation. I don't know if it's New Gunji...

'Crazy child. who the hell...'

-I don't know what you're doing.

-I don't know what you're doing... ...

'A childish son of a bitch dares.'

-You are impersonating the honorary cardinal now. to the Continental Conservation Management Commission. 

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