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Returner User Manual Chapter 1053

Picnic (16)

It was strange. It felt so natural, as if I had known it from the beginning. The feeling of a different force than before surging within me was certainly unfamiliar, but ironically, it also felt familiar. how did I clearly feel the change that has come to me at this very moment?

A golden, shimmering energy, a power that seems as if it will explode at any moment and cannot be properly controlled. It wasn't just me who felt strange.

After the brilliant golden sword was unfolded, the expressions of the siblings looking at me were noticeable.

An expression of disbelief.

The faces looked as if they were wondering if they were dreaming.

"Seraphim... "

"I will protect you this time. Keru."

I muttered these words without realizing it. Actually, I want to run away right now. My legs were shaking,  I just forced myself to act calm and opened my mouth.

However, looking at the golden sword embroidering the sky gives me courage I didn't even know I had.

Looking at the swords, each of which has a perfect shape, makes me think that I can block the enemy in front of me.

"this... Did you really do this?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"That doesn't make sense. sera... you...."

"You have realized your power, right? sera?"

"huh. Domi. Actually, I'm not sure what it is yet."

"I'm sure your father will be happy. Congratulations, Sera."

he'll probably be happy. Maybe he will hug me. he might pat me on the head and say I  did a really good job. Thinking like that makes me so happy it feels like the sky is flying. I couldn't wait to show my father those golden swords, and the confusion and fear that had filled my mind disappeared in an instant.

If he see that I  have realized my power like this... clearly... I'm sure he'll praise me. Of course, prerequisites exist.

"huh. that is we survive here."

[It's an interesting power. Kid. It's impressive. really... It's a little surprising.]

"Heavenly punishment."

The swords emitting brilliant light were seen changing direction momentarily.

It rained down on the enemy in front of us in the blink of an eye. It was difficult to control each sword one by one... .

'I  can do it. No, I have to.'

It was a situation where success had to be achieved.


[It was a good try, but... So weak... ... ]

As she said, the falling swords are so futilely blocked by her gesture.

Some swords can be seen being thrown away by the shock wave caused by the half-god, and others are blocked from moving forward due to the whitish film around her.

Still, I couldn't stop myself from continuing to reach out. Because this was the only thing I  could do. I believe that the golden swords can become a little stronger.


[furthermore... You still don't know how to handle your power.]

"Hung. It's natural not to know. I just realized it."

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