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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1032

tidying up (15)

"I don't even know this grace... Cough..."


"The Honorary Cardinal... how much... Cougj. ... "

It felt like my brain had turned white. But the body moves on its own. As soon as Gregory collapses, he sees one of Gregory's guild members nearby charging at him with a sword.


While staring blankly at Gregory for a moment, an arrow flew from somewhere and lodged in his temple. The swordsman collapsed after screaming in agony. The sound of drawing weapons and chanting spells could be heard from here and there. It was obvious what had happened. The battle between Gregory's side and the friendly's side took place.


"Kill them all! hurry! hurry!! kill! faster damn it! handle it!"

"You motherfuckers! How dare you!"

"Gregory-sama! Gregory-neim!!

"Call the priests! Ask for help upstairs!"

"Take care of the communications soldier first! Magic Block Order! fast!"


'I didn't even think of something like this.'

Shit. I had no intention of doing it this far.

'I couldn't help it.'

I really couldn't help it.

'This is the way for the Commonwealth.'

Only this can be changed

'I can't live like the pet dog of Kyoguk forever.'

If you think of the big picture with your pounding head, you will have no choice but to justify your actions.

Some would say it was a crime, but this was the only way.

It is not a problem that the initiative passes to Gregory. If the Honorary Cardinal hadn't said that he would dedicate that legendary spear to the Honorary Cardinal, he might not have acted this far.

No, if that Gregory had been a little more communicative, there wouldn't have been a need to kill him. The legacy of the kingdom used by Benigore in the past,

A product of history itself that penetrates the great narrative of the continent.

That window could be said to be an object that could change the flow of the continent, the flow of the world, and the flow of history.

If it was a simple object, as Gregory said, he would be satisfied with the achievement, but the story is completely different. A treasure that will never appear again. What could be more foolish than bringing and dedicating the means to rebuild the Federation to the present Church.

The value of that spear was indescribable, so it was only a small thing sacrificed for a big thing.

'An ignorant bastard.'

Literally, Gregory was a guy who only knew how to look forward.

One of the incompetent people who created the current federation, a worm who claimed to be a dog, undermined the value of the federation, and contributed nothing to the continent.

If he had been just a little smarter, the Federation might not have gotten to this point.

They do not know how to see the big picture and are obsessed with small balls. If he had known what was more right, he wouldn't be lying down now.

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