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Chapter 931: 931

– Save me. Noona?

– I'm busy right now. And make sure you're having a hard time. The harder you work there, the more it burns here. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

– .......

– The public opinion is completely turned around, and the Pope's reform is underway. It's a national crisis. It's better than ever. Stay sharp with the kids... They might find Dungeons soon, right?

– You don't just want to see me suffer,right?

– You really think I would do that? My brother is eating well today, he's sleeping well, he's bathing well, all he can think about all day long. But what do I do? I think it's a good thing that this condition lasts a little longer. The sacred ones that are piling up are not a joke. We have a business to prepare for. The priests are screaming happily, even if they're praying more sincerely than usual.

– No, I don't.

– You do it when you can. You have to keep it tight when you can make money so you don't have to talk to Ginmal later. We need to take a solid cut of this opportunity to cover the cost of the project that our Jin Qing is preparing.

– You already gave him the project?

– The continent is safe now because he's holding onto Kim Hyun-seong. Kim Hyun-seong is stupid, but he's not oblivious. Emotional labour, mental labour, and the Jean military that's doing so well will increase their work efficiency. And it's not such a bad project. It's hard to tell right now....

– What do you know about beginners? Noona, I keep trying to side with the lost soldiers in front of me... I feel uncomfortable about that.

– I'm always on your side. But Jean, you're a capable soldier. How can I not be pretty when Kim Hyun-seong is pretending to be good at work and bringing a new project every time I have time? Are you jealous?

'Jealous bastard. Shit.'

– Oppa is jealous. But look. Why is he so cute? Rest assured, even if he does have abilities, what looks like shit is a long way from my type.

– He looks like shit.

– Yeah, well, there are some things you just can't say. I want to bet on how thick my face feels when I submit a project, and I don't know how different it is. Because you know you're capable. But then I teased it again. It's bad luck. They must have been in the Upper East Side when they were on Earth.

– .......

Is Jen good with templates or something?

– That's the only problem. He's not flexible. Anyway, I can't stand it. If we keep this up a little longer, maybe the real White will call us. Noona.

– Then sing it... anyway, that's it. The pork belly is delicious.

– Ah...

– Pussy.

'Shit, this is obviously to feed me. '

I'm trying to profit from it, but it's not feeding me.

Of course, I understand how she feels.

There are many aspects to profit from. You want more when you can enjoy it as much as you haven't had a recent event.

But more than that, it seemed like I was enjoying living this life. Every time I contact her, she always tells me what she's doing...

I'm not drinking coffee. I'm manipulating my nails. I'm healing. Why would I say that? He's maliciously making fun of me.

'Shit, do I really have to call you,Hayan? '

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